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12 Reasons, 4 Solutions

12 Reasons 4 Solutions

Wenner van Artscape en Suidoosterfees se Hoërskool Dramakompetisie | Winner of Artscape and Suidoosterfees’ High School Drama Competition

’N Fairdale nr. 2 Hoërskool-PRODUKSIE | A Fairdale no. 2 High School PRODUCTION

MET | WITH Christopher Gwayana, Ndlovu Liyema, Sitole Ibongwe & Bhozo Vuyolwethu
TEKS | SCRIPT Geselskap | Company
REGIE | DIRECTOR Mpumelelo Phanginxiwa

Geen o/13 | No u/13

Vier seuns van die Mfuleni-township raak hegte vriende by die skool. Hulle is kwesbaar as gevolg van spoke en insidente uit hul verlede. Maar wanneer hulle saamstaan en hul uitdagings reguit in die oë kyk, vind hulle simpatie en ondersteuning by ’n bron in hul midde: die skool se maatskaplike werker.

Four boys from Mfuleni township become close friends at school. They are vulnerable as a result of ghosts and incidents from their past. But as they band together and face their challenges head-on, they find sympathy and support from a source in their midst: the school’s social worker.

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1 Mei/May 14:30

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Xhosa, Eng

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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50 min

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Beste van DKES-dramafees

Bronlyn van Rhyner
Errol Esau


Die wenner en naaswenner van die Departement van Kultuursake en Sport se Dramafeeskompetisie word by Suidoosterfees opgevoer:

DEUR Plettenbergbaai Sekondêre Skool
MET Carin Fourie & Bronlyn van Rhyner
TEKS & REGIE Matthew Smith

Tydens apartheid word Johanna daarvan beskuldig dat sy geld van haar werkgewer gesteel het. Sy vlug landuit en klop by Beverly aan om hulp. ’n Storie van liefde in ’n tyd van haat.

NAASWENNER Klip in my pad
DEUR Take a Bow
MET Errol Esau
TEKS & REGIE Philip O.N. Botha

In hul stryd teen korrupsie en misdaad hardloop Byron en sy vriende by ’n ou, vervalle huis in. Hier wag ’n donker verrassing op ons “helde”.

Dié opvoerings deur amateurgroepe is deur die Baxter-teater se Zabalaza-feesspan bygestaan met opleiding in teksskryf, regie, toneelspel en produksieontwikkeling. Kom ondersteun ons sterre van die platteland!

The winner and the runner-up productions of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s annual Drama Festival competition in the Western Cape are staged at Suidoosterfees:

BY Plettenbergbaai Secondary School
WITH Carin Fourie & Bronlyn van Rhyner

During apartheid Johanna is accused of stealing money from her employer. She flees the country and seeks refuge with Beverly. A story of love in a time of hatred.

RUNNER-UP Klip in my pad
BY Take a Bow
WITH Errol Esau

In their battle against corruption and crime, Byron and his friends run into an old, dilapidated house. A sinister surprise awaits our “heroes”.

These productions by amateur theatre groups were supported by the Baxter theatre’s Zabalaza Festival team with training in scriptwriting, directing, acting and production development. Come support our talent from the rural towns!

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1 Mei/May 14:30

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Xhosa, Eng, Afr

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Phoebe Gerwel Arena

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60 min

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En Silencio: The Nun Who Vowed Silence

En Silencio

In samewerking met Northlink Kollege | In collaboration with Northlink College

MET | WITH Zoe Oosthuizen, Zoe April, Jordan Creton-Raye, Hope Zealand & Claire Smith
MUSIEK | MUSIC Brandon Cassels

Geen o/13 | No u/13

In die lente van 1972 vind ’n mishandelde meisie haar toevlug in die St. John’s-klooster in Avila, Spanje. Wat sy glo vir haar ’n veilige hawe sal wees, word in werklikheid ’n plek van versoeking en verraad, en sy lê ’n eed van stilswye af. En Silencio fokus op die Katolieke Kerk se misbruik van mense.

In the spring of 1972, an abused girl finds refuge in St. John’s convent in Avila, Spain. What she hopes will be a sanctuary, becomes a place of temptation and betrayal, leading her to take a vow of silence. En Silencio sheds light on the abuse of power within the Catholic Church.

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2 Mei/May 12:00
3 Mei/May 12:00

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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60 min

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In samewerking met Northlink Kollege | In collaboration with Northlink College

MET | WITH Christopher Julius, Newtoné Jantjies, Turner Demas, Marcheline Andrea & Nathan Joubert
TEKS | SCRIPT Christo Davids & Lloyd Davids
REGIE | DIRECTORS Leano September & Ree George

Geen o/16 | No u/16

Queenie-hulle gee die gehoor ’n blik op vyf bergies se ervaring wanneer hulle op die vooraand van 2019 se nasionale verkiesing ’n kennisgewing kry dat hulle die Goeie Hoop-Sentrum se trappe, waar hulle tot dusver gebly het, moet ontruim. Die stuk verken identiteit sonder agting vir politieke korrektheid. Hierdie is ’n storie wat almal moet hoor, want almal het ’n behoefte aan erkenning, ongeag op watter manier.

Queenie-hulle gives the audience a view on five bergies’ experience when they receive an official notice on the night before the 2019 elections that they must vacate the Good Hope Centre’s steps, where they have been squatting for years. This story explores identity without any political correctness. It is a story that everybody should hear, because we all have a need to be heard, no matter how.

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2 Mei/May 14:30
4 Mei/May 12:00

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Afr, Eng

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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60 min

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The Old Man Who Thought He Had a Dog

The old man who thought he had a dog

VERVAARDIG VIR DIE | PRODUCED FOR THE Première-Teaterfees | Première Theatre Festival
MET | WITH Merwe van Gent, Angelique Filter, Jeanne-Marié Koekemoer & Chrizelle Strydom
TEKS | SCRIPT Angelique Filter
REGIE | DIRECTORS Angelique Filter, Jeanne-Marié Koekemoer & Merwe van Gent

Geen o/13 | No u/13

Sluit aan vir ’n skreeusnaakse absurde treinrit saam met ’n suurpruim van ’n oukêrel wat ongetwyfeld sy melancholiese eentonigheid gaan afskud. Saam met hom is ’n boeiende geselskap van eienaardige herkenbare karakters: van die geheimsinnige Franse kondukteur tot die verleidelike prostituut. In hierdie liminale ruimte smelt herinneringe, drome, begeertes en spookskaduwees saam om nuwe lewe te gee aan dinge wat verby is. Maak gereed vir ’n reis vol lag, introspeksie en die buitengewone.

Embark on a hilariously absurd train journey with a real sauerkraut of an old man who is bound to break free from his melancholic monotony. With him is a cast of peculiar yet strangely familiar individuals, from the enigmatic French conductor to the alluring prostitute. In this liminal realm, memories, dreams, desires and haunting shadows converge to breathe new life into what is lost. Prepare for a journey brimming with laughter, introspection and the extraordinary.

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3 Mei/May 9:00
4 Mei/May 20:00

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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55 min

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These are Heavy on Us

These are heavy on us

In samewerking met KSUT | In collaboration with CPUT

MET | WITH studente van KSUT | students of CPUT

Geen 0/10 | No u/10

Weens sy pa se afwesigheid moes Siphelele Mhlaba die rol van volwassene vroeg aanneem. Om vergifnis te vind vir misdade teenoor sy gemeenskap, roep hy ’n vergadering byeen waar onaangename waarhede oor sy grootwordjare na die oppervlak kom.

Due to his father’s absence, Siphelele Mhlaba had to assume the role of an adult at a tender age. In his quest to find redemption for the wrong things he has done to his community, he calls a meeting that reveals many unpleasant truths about his upbringing.

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3 Mei/May 17:00

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Meertalig | Multilingual

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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80 min

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’N The Stage Performing Arts Studio-PRODUKSIE | A The Stage Performing Arts Studio PRODUCTION
MET | WITH Stavros Moshonas, Marlon Britz, Ankia Erasmus, Cassidy Johnson, Deminique du Preez & Marli Smit
TEKS | SCRIPT Siobhan Taljaard

Geen o/16 | No u/16

Weerskant ondersoek die lewens van drie vriende wat herenig word, gebonde aan keuses wat hul lot gevorm het en beïnvloed deur die brose oorgang na volwassenheid. Deur treffende beweging en rou emosie ontrafel die toneelstuk die delikate draad van “wat as?”, en nooi jou uit om na die skoonheid, pyn en gevolge van die lewe se deurslaggewende besluite te kyk.

Weerskant delves into the lives of three friends reunited after years apart yet bound by choices that shaped their fate and influenced by the fragile transition to adulthood. Through striking movement and raw emotion, the play unravels the delicate thread of “what if?”, inviting audiences to journey into the beauty, pain and consequence of life’s pivotal decisions.

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2 Mei/May 17:00
4 Mei/May 14:30

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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60 min

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Wenner van die Klein Libertas Toneelfees | Winner of the Klein Libertas Drama Festival

’N Hoërskool Durbanville-PRODUKSIE | A Durbanville High School PRODUCTION
MET | WITH Amelie Bruwer, Janru Steenkamp, Anouk Bruwer, Lyla Botha, Chanté Viljoen, Angelique Myburgh, Genevieve Myburgh & Emma Vieyra
KLANK | SOUND Helé Erasmus
BELIGTING | LIGHTING Minki Brink & Wessel Steenkamp


Elsabé en Marietjie word groot op ’n klein plattelandse dorpie. Marietjie droom van Kaap toe trek en Elsabé raak verlief op Attie, ’n seun van die verkeerde kant van die treinspoor. Saam trotseer hulle die mooi en hartseer van grootword – van saam groot drome droom tot afskeid van mekaar neem.

Elsabé and Marietjie grow up in a small rural town. Marietjie dreams of moving to Cape Town and Elsabé falls in love with Attie, a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Together they experience the highs and lows of growing up – from dreaming of a better life to saying goodbye.

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1 Mei/May 12:00

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ATKV Repteater |
Rep Theatre

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45 min

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Ondersteun deur die WKOD en die Tribuo Fonds; aangebied deur Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees en KKNK

Suidoosterfees is een van die Proscenium-dramakompetisie se trotse vennote. Dié ondersteuningsprojek vir leerders en opvoeders, aangebied deur die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement, het 15 splinternuwe kort dialoë vir gebruik in die klaskamer geskep, en video-opnames daarvan is op die departement se ePortal beskikbaar vir gebruik deur skole. By die Suidoosterfees word dié stukke opgevoer deur leerders van reg oor Suid-Afrika. Skoliere en onderwysers kan die stukke nou eerstehands op die feesverhoog ervaar. Dit word in vier sessies aangebied.

Supported by the WCED and the Tribuo Fund; presented by Suidoosterfees, Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees and KKNK

Suidoosterfees is proud to be one of the partners of the Proscenium Drama Competition. In 2024 this development initiative for learners and educators, presented by the Western Cape Education Department, created 15 new short dialogues for use in the classroom. Video recordings of the performances are available at the Deapartment’s ePortal for use by schools. At Suidoosterfees, the dialogues will be staged by learners from all over South Africa, giving teachers and learners the opportunity to experience these short plays live. The plays are presented in four sessions.

Groep 1  |  Group 1

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30 April 14:30
1 Mei/May 11:30 & 14:30

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duration icon 2

60 min

price icon 2

Gratis | Free


MET | WITH Hendré Henning & Zanje Bodenstein
TEKS | SCRIPT Gita Fourie

In hierdie dialoog word die bonsai ’n simbool van die druk wat deur gesinne, skole en sosiale media op kinders geplaas word. Net soos bonsaibome noukeurig gevorm en gesnoei word, word kinders dikwels deur eksterne faktore beïnvloed.

In this dialogue the bonsai is a symbol of the pressure placed on children by families, schools and social media. Just as bonsais are carefully clipped and formed, so are children influenced by external factors.

Dis tradisie

MET | WITH Gianni de Lange & Brendan Kruger
TEKS | SCRIPT Adriaan Havenga

Wanneer Sam, ’n manipulerende matrikulant, die behoeftige, hardwerkende Eugene afpers en hom dwing om die skuld te dra vir ’n noodlottige ongeluk, kom Eugene voor ’n morele dilemma te staan.

When Sam, a manipulative matric student, blackmails the needy and hardworking Eugene to take responsibility for a fatal accident, Eugene faces a moral dilemma.

Dag een

MET | WITH Hanno van Zyl & Christian Nortjé
TEKS | SCRIPT Johann Smith

Ten spyte van wat rolprente ons laat glo, verdwyn die effek van verlies nie na ’n paar weke nie. Alles in ons omgewing herinner ons aan ons geliefdes, en in daardie oomblik is die pyn amper dieselfde as op die eerste dag.

Despite what films would have you believe; one does not overcome loss within a couple of weeks. Everything around us reminds us of our loved ones, and in those moments the pain can be as if it is the first day.


MET | WITH Junior Khumalo & Gianni de Lange
TEKS | SCRIPT Veronique Jephtas

Hoe vaar ’n jong man vandag die grootmenswêreld as hy op die drumpel van volwassenheid staan? Hoe trek mens ’n streep en kies om anders te wees as dié voor jou? Maklik. Jy maak die keuse om beter te wees, om nie in te gee aan wat die norm buite is nie.

How does a young man on the cusp of adulthood take his first steps in the big, wide world? Where do you draw the line and choose to become someone else? Easy. You choose to be better, irrespective of what the perceived norms are.

Groep 2  |  Group 2

date icon

30 April 16:00
1 Mei/May 10:00 & 13:00

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Afr, Eng

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duration icon 2

60 min

price icon 2

Gratis | Free

Loerie en Lizzy se bunk-transaksie

MET | WITH Alison Jegels & Cara Erwee
TEKS | SCRIPT Karli Heine

Twee leerders draai stokkies agter die sportpawiljoen. Hulle ruil tydskrifte en toebroodjies. Hierdie onderhandeling gebeur gereeld genoeg sodat die speletjie vir hulle ’n uitlaatklep en terapie word.

Two learners are playing truant behind the sports pavilion. They exchange magazines and sandwiches. This happens so often that it has become like therapy, a way of releasing stress.

Five Minutes More

MET | WITH Sisipho Neku & Tamia Bosch
TEKS | SCRIPT Mikayla Joy Brown

Twee meisies is in die haarsalon om hul hare reguit en glad te laat maak. Hulle probeer mekaar oortuig dat hulle die regte ding doen, maar besef dan wat hulle regtig besig is om op te offer. ’n Komiese drama oor identiteit en selfwaarde.

Two girls are at the hairdresser getting their hair relaxed. They try to convince each other that they’re doing the right thing but come to realise that everything comes at a cost. A dramedy that touches on identity and self-worth.

Mamma roep my huis toe

MET | WITH Zander Oberholster & Roderick Carroll
TEKS | SCRIPT Miché van Wyk

Nadat Caleb en Jacques in die kinderhuis soos broers geword het, breek die dag aan dat Caleb se ma hom kom haal. ’n Hartroerende gesprek op die koppie vind plaas waarin hulle mekaar belowe om nog steeds in kontak te bly.

Caleb and Jacques grew up in the orphanage like brothers. But now Caleb’s mom is coming to fetch him. A heartfelt discussion on a hill between two people who pledge to never lose contact.

Groep 3  |  Group 3

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2 Mei/May 14:30
3 Mei/May 16:00
4 Mei/May 14:30

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Afr, Eng, Xhosa

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duration icon 2

60 min

price icon 2

Gratis | Free


MET | WITH Darren Cloete & Thomas Janisch
TEKS | SCRIPT Mikyall Harris

Twee seuns in die eksamenlokaal. Maxwill is ’n optimis; Arnold is ’n realis. Iets wat hulle in gemeen het is hul mededingende geaardhede. Of is daar nog iets anders?

Two boys in the exam hall. Maxwill is an optimist; Arnold is a realist. One thing they have in common is their competitive nature. Or is there one more thing?

Vala umlomo! (Shut Your Mouth)

MET | WITH Kwakhanya Mboniswa & Anoxolo Nkebe
TEKS | SCRIPT Miliswa Mbandazayo
REGISSEUR | DIRECTOR Mbulelo Grootboom

Twee skoliere sit detensie. Akhona verbreek die stilte wanneer hy met Xoli, die altyd voorbeeldige leerder, praatjies maak. Hulle spandeer die res van die periode om uit te vind hoe hulle hier beland het.

Two learners are in detention. Akhona is the first to break the silence and tries to chat with Xoli, the ever-diligent student. They spend the next while trying to figure out how they each ended up here.

Principalus Broccalus

MET | WITH Nina Strydom, Francois Retief & Zimfefe Lamani
TEKS | SCRIPT Angelique Filter

’n Aspersie en ’n broccoli stap by die skoolhoof se kantoor in. Dit blyk dat dié twee groentes eintlik net doodgewone tieners is. Wat begin as ’n kalm gesprek oor die lewe in die skoolopset word vinnig ’n ondervragingsessie.

An asparagus and a broccoli walk into the principal’s office. It turns out that these greens are just ordinary teens. What starts out as a normal conversation about life in the school system, soon becomes an interrogation …

It’s Never Too Late

MET | WITH Sithenthile Sgwentu & Zandrea Samuels
TEKS | SCRIPT Tankiso Mamabolo

As Andrea uiteindelik vir Tuli meer vertel oor die nuwe kêrel in haar lewe, word dit gou duidelik dat Toni aansienlik ouer as Andrea is. Dié verhouding wat aanvanklik na iets positief geklink het, is in der waarheid ’n manipulerende, gevaarlike situasie.

When Andrea finally tells Tuli about the new boy in her life, it becomes apparent that not only is Tony significantly older than Andrea, but that what started as a friendly and protective relationship, has turned into something controlling and sometimes frightening.

Groep 4  |  Group 4

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2 Mei/May 16:00
3 Mei/May 14:30
4 Mei/May 16:00

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venue icon 3


duration icon 2

60 min

price icon 2

Gratis | Free


MET | WITH Leighman Marshall & Luca Human
TEKS | SCRIPT Ilne Fourie
REGISSEUR | DIRECTOR Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck

Ronnie en Alex ontmoet mekaar in ’n donker wagkamer. ’n Droomkamer. Saam gaan hulle op verbeeldingsvlugte van dit wat hulle eens geken het, dit waarna hulle verlang, en dit wat hulle nog wou doen.

Ronnie and Alex meet each other in a dark waiting room. A dream room. Together they embark on flights of imagination about the things they once knew, the things they long for and the things they still want to do.


MET | WITH Keanon Brandt & Bronwynne Neer
TEKS | SCRIPT Alae Hanekom

Victor en Riley verteenwoordig die virtuele werklikheid, en wanneer hulle ’n speletjie genaamd Utopia speel, word hulle een …

Victor and Riley represent virtual reality, and when they start playing a game called Utopia, they become one …

Altyd naby

MET | WITH Khian van der Boon & Janru Steenkamp
TEKS | SCRIPT Chester Miggels

Hierdie komiese dog aangrypende vertelling handel oor die lewens van twee tienerbroers, Jared en David. Jared, skaam en teruggetrokke, worstel met identiteit en selfvertroue, teenoor sy broer wat charismaties en uitgesproke is.

This comic, yet gripping tale, tells the story of two teen brothers, Jared and David. Jared, shy and retiring, is struggling with identity and confidence: the opposite of his brother who is charismatic and outspoken.


MET | WITH Jean Retief & Chan Matthee
TEKS | SCRIPT Jason Jacobs

Dit is aand langs die Eersterivier. Herrus, ’n matrikulant, is hier, nog in sy skoolklere met sy swaar baadjie vol balkies: akademie, sport, kultuur, prefek, hoofseun en meer. Kabous, eens ‘n jongman wat mens nooit sou glo ’n rugby-uitblinker op skool was nie, deel nou sy storie vanuit ’n ongewone perspektief.

It is evening on the banks of the Eerste River. Herrus is here – a matric student still in his school uniform, his blazer covered in badges: academic, sport, culture, prefect, head student and many more. Kabous, a young man who one would never believe was a star rugby player at school, shares his story from an unusual perspective.