Aangebied deur | Presented by

Kaartjies deur | Tickets by

In vennootskap met die Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu-Prysfonds, Botsotso Books, Imprimatur, Jacana Media, Jonathan Ball Publishers, Klyntji, Maverick 451, die SBA, NB-Uitgewers, Penguin Random House SA, Protea Boekhuis, The Obsession Store & Vriende van Afrikaans
In partnership with the Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu Prize Fund, Botsotso Books, Imprimatur, Jacana Media, Jonathan Ball Publishers, Klyntji, Maverick 451, the SBA, NB Publishers, Penguin Random House SA, Protea Boekhuis, The Obsession Store & Vriende van Afrikaans
- Toegang tot die gesprekke is gratis, maar om jou sitplek te verseker, moet jy steeds deur Webtickets bespreek.
- Exclusive Books hanteer die boekverkope by die ATKV-Boeke-oase en skrywers sal na afloop van die sessie boeke teken.
- Kom vroeg vir ’n gratis koppie koffie en kom deel in die gesprek – voor, tydens en na die tyd.
- Entrance to the discussions is free, but to ensure your seat, it is crucial to book your ticket through Webtickets.
- Exclusive Books will sell books at the venue and the authors will sign your copy after the talks.
- Join us for a cup of coffee – on the house – and be part of the conversations!
Persvryheid – ons sal nie stilbly nie

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Tafelberg, Maverick 451 & Netwerk24
MET | WITH Pieter-Louis Myburgh, Karyn Maughan, Jana van der Merwe, Caryn Dolley & Mia Spies
Joernaliste wat hulle loon werd is moet onder stresvolle en dikwels gevaarlike omstandighede, die waarheid oopvlek en die publiek van erge ongerymdhede inlig. In hierdie gesprek – so op Werkersdag – word die joernalis se werk onder die loep geneem. Ervare en dapper joernaliste Karyn Maughan (skrywer van I Will Not Be Silenced), Caryn Dolley (skrywer van onder meer Man Alone) en Jana van der Merwe, ondersoekende Netwerk24-redakteur, kom gesels oor die uitdagings van hul beroep.
Journalists who are worth their salt must often expose the truth and inform the public of wrongdoing under stressful and dangerous circumstances. In this conversation – on Workers’ Day – the journalist’s work is put under the microscope. The experienced and brave journalists Karyn Maughan (author of I Will Not Be Silenced), Caryn Dolley (author of, among others, Man Alone) and Jana van der Merwe, investigative editor at Netwerk24, will discuss the challenges of their jobs.

1 Mei/May 11:00

Afr, Eng


60 min

Gratis | Free
Gayle, kodetaal van die liefde

Aangebied deur die Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA) | Presented by The Foundation for Empowerment through Afrikaans (SBA)
MET | WITH Sandra Prinsloo, Cathy Specific, Riaan Visman & Bolla
Die unieke taal van die gay gemeenskap, Gayle, het ontstaan in ’n tyd toe dit onwettig was om gay te wees. Sandra Prinsloo vra gebruikers en kenners uit oor hierdie interessante taalvariëteit wat mense uit die kloue van geregsdienaars help hou het, en ’n medium was vir minnaars om in mekaar se arms vertroosting, pret en (soms) liefde te vind. Dié geskiedenis is propvol humor, maar ook hartverskeurend.
Gayle, the unique language of the gay community, originated at a time when it was illegal to be gay. Sandra Prinsloo interviews speakers and experts about this interesting language variety that kept people out of the law’s clutches and became the medium in which lovers found comfort, pleasure and (sometimes) love. The history of this language is both humorous and heartbreaking.

1 Mei/May 11:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
Rooisand | Crimson Sands

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Human & Rousseau
MET | WITH Jeremy Vearey & Candice Jantjies
Jeremy Vearey se epiese oorlogsroman, Rooisand, speel af in Namaland – van Duits-Suidwes-Afrika tot die Kaapkolonie. Die hoofkarakter, Dirk Aruseb, was sewentien toe Abraham Morris hom uit die Pella-weeshuis kom haal het om by die Bondelswarts aan te sluit. By Schansvlakte moet hy eers selfdissipline aanleer: wees nederig, wees geduldig, en leer dat oorlog nie ’n speletjie is nie. Vind jou eland, tem jou janfiskaal. Kom sluit aan vir ’n fassinerende gesprek oor ’n deel van ons land en sy geskiedenis waaroor daar nog min geskryf is.
Jeremy Vearey’s epic war novel, Crimson Sands, is set in Namaland – from German South-West Africa to the Cape Colony. The main character, Dirk Aruseb, was seventeen when Abraham Morris fetched him from the Pella orphanage to join the Bondelswarts. At Schansvlakte, he had to learn to master himself: be humble, be patient, and know that war is not a game. Find your eland, tame your butcherbird. Join us for a fascinating conversation about a part of our country and its history about which very little has been written.

1 Mei/May 12:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
The Truth about Cape Slavery

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Tafelberg
MET | WITH Patric Tariq Mellet & Clarence Ford
In Truth about Cape Slavery wys Patric Tariq Mellet uit hoe vandag se Suid-Afrika – die ekonomie en politiek – deur slawerny gevorm en beïnvloed is. Net soos wat die Amerikaanse samelewing sy beslag deur slawerny gekry het, en op soortgelyke wyse as hier onder die vergrootglas geplaas behoort te word. Slawerny aan die Kaap was van kritieke belang vir seevaart-kapitalisme en het die fondament vir die Kaap se landbougebaseerde ekonomie gelê. Mellet se boek daag Nederland uit om te verbeter op die flou verskoning wat hulle koning in 2023 aangebied het, en hul regering se stilswye oor kompensasie. ’n Priemende en tydige beskouing oor die nalatenskap van slawerny vandag.
In Truth about Cape Slavery, Patric Tariq Mellet shows that modern South Africa – its economy and politics – is shaped by slavery in the same way that it has shaped the United States of America, and that it deserves the same scrutiny. Cape slavery was a crucial feature of maritime capitalism and became the cornerstone of the Cape’s agricultural economy. This book challenges the Netherlands to improve on the weak apology offered in 2023 by its king and the lack of reparations offered by its government. An incisive, timely look into the legacies of slavery today.

1 Mei/May 14:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Conversations with a serial killer

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jonathan Ball Publishers, Melinda Ferguson Books & Netwerk24
MET | WITH Brin Hodgskiss, Nicole Engelbrecht, Hannes Koekemoer & Mia Spies
Waremisdaadverhale raak al hoe gewilder. Is dit omdat lesers hulself kan gerusstel dat dit net ’n storie is en nooit hul eie werklikheid sal wees nie? Met die buitensporige geweld waarmee Suid-Afrikaners gekonfronteer word, is daar volop skryfstof. Kom luister hoe van ons voorste waremisdaadskrywers hul navorsingsbevindinge deel oor die berugte moordsake wat die land geskud het en ons hare laat rys.
True crime stories are becoming increasingly popular. Is it because readers can reassure themselves that this is “someone else’s story” and will never be their own reality? The excessive violence South Africans are confronted with provides ample writing material. In this conversation, some of our most prominent true crime writers share their research findings of the notorious murder cases that shook the country and made our hair stand on end.

2 Mei/May 9:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
Karooseun van Vosburg

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Protea Boekhuis
MET | WITH Franklin Sonn & Nico Koopman
Dr. Franklin Sonn is ’n struggle-ikoon, diplomaat, oudkanselier van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, onderwys- en sakeleier. Hy het saam met Jakes Gerwel, aartsbiskop Desmond Tutu, Allan Boesak en ander anti-apartheidsfigure ’n leidende rol in die stryd teen onreg gespeel. Hy was ’n goeie vriend en vertroueling van Nelson Mandela en in 1995 stuur Madiba hom as Suid-Afrika se eerste swart ambassadeur na Amerika. As gerespekteerde sakeleier het hy later op verskeie groot maatskappye se direksies gedien en ook 13 eredoktorsgrade aan nasionale en internasionale universiteite verwerf.
Dr. Franklin Sonn is a struggle icon, diplomat, former chancellor of the University of the Free State and a leader in education and business. He played a leading role in the struggle against injustice alongside Jakes Gerwel, archbishop Desmond Tutu, Allan Boesak and other anti-apartheid figures. He was a good friend and confidant of Nelson Mandela, and in 1995, Madiba sent him to the United States as South Africa’s first black ambassador. As business leader, he later served on the boards of several big companies and obtained 13 honorary doctorates from national and international universities.

2 Mei/May 11:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Ons komvandaan se kosstories

In samewerking met | In collaboration with The Obsession Store
MET | WITH Ingrid Jones, Michael Weeder, Frazer Barry, Ilza Roggeband & Asanda Ngoasheng
Wat verklap ons resepte van wie ons is en waar ons vandaan kom? Hoe vind ons troos in die kosse wat ons vir mekaar opdis? Ingrid Jones het verskeie mense uitgenooi om hulle grootwordjare se kosstories in te stuur, en so het ’n boek ontstaan wat getuig hoe kos ons saambring en genees.
What do our recipes say about who we are and where we come from? How do we find comfort in the food we dish up for others? Ingrid Jones invited people to share food stories from their childhoods, which were compiled in this book about how food brings us together and heals us.

2 Mei/May 12:30

Afr, Eng


60 min

Gratis | Free
Smuts and Mandela – The men who made South Africa

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jacana Media
MET | WITH Roger Southall, Anthony Butler & Imraan Coovadia
Suid-Afrika het twee leiers opgelewer wat wêreldwyd erkenning geniet het: Jan Smuts en Nelson Mandela. Waar Smuts erkenning kry vir sy belangrike bydrae tot die herskepping van die internasionale argitektuur na afloop van die twee wêreldoorloë, sal Mandela onthou word as versoenende leier wat ons vreedsaam na ’n demokrasie gelei het. Vandag word Mandela egter steeds as ’n internasionale ikoon beskou, terwyl Smuts se reputasie erge skade ly namate hedendaagse historici die spore van rassisme uitwys tydens sy rol om apartheid tot stand te bring. Anthony Butler, wie se volgende boek oor die presidente van die postapartheid-era handel, sluit by die gesprek aan.
South Africa has produced two leaders who achieved global recognition: Jan Smuts and Nelson Mandela. The former was much celebrated for playing a significant role in reconstructing international architecture after both world wars; the latter remains globally admired for his leading part in drawing South Africa back from racial war and becoming a democracy. Today, however, whereas Mandela remains a much-admired global icon, Smuts’ reputation is diminished, with contemporary historians citing his racism and role in constructing the foundations of apartheid South Africa. Anthony Butler, whose book about the post-apartheid presidents is in the pipeline, joins the talk.

2 Mei/May 14:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Paulet House – where stories are born

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jacana Media, Penguin Random House SA & Kwela Books
MET | WITH Barbara Boswell, Juliette Mnqeta, Mia Arderne, Sihle Qwabe & Angela Briggs
Paulet Huis, prof. Jakes Gerwel se geliefde wegbreekhuis op KwaNojoli (voorheen Somerset-Oos), wemel van die stories. Vandat die Jakes Gerwel Stigting dié sjarmante woning in 2019 as skrywershuis oopgemaak het, het meer as 160 skrywers – van heinde en verre – hier tot hulle sinne en stories gekom. Van hierdie skrywers kom gesels oor hul ervaringe en verhale.
Paulet House, Prof. Jakes Gerwel’s beloved home away from home in KwaNojoli (formerly Somerset East), abounds in stories. Since the Jakes Gerwel Foundation opened this charming home’s doors to writers in 2019, more than 160 writers from near and far have come to their senses (and stories) there. Some of these writers share their experiences and stories during this conversation.

2 Mei/May 15:30



60 min

Gratis | Free

Aangebied deur die Jakes Gerwel Stigting & Klyntji, in samewerking met Tafelberg, Kwela Boeke, Imprimatur & Botsotso Books | Presented by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation & Klyntji, in collaboration with Tafelberg, Kwela Books, Imprimatur & Botsotso Books
MET | WITH Ryan Pedro, Danie Marais, Paul Kammies, Martina Klopper, Nixon Mateulah, Khadija Tracey Heeger, Kirstin Deane, Sindi Busuku, Keith Lewis, Kabous Meiring, Churchil Naude & die Kaappunters
Lees dit, dink dit, praat dit, rap dit. Die een na die ander, woord vir woord, song vir song. Solank jy dit doen saam met ons. Doen dit hardop. En as jy ’n gedig op die hart het, kom lees dit voor.
Read it, think it, speak it, rap it. The one after the other, word for word, song for song. As long as you do it with us. Do it out loud. And if there’s a poem in your heart, come and share it with us.

2 Mei/May 17:00

Afr, Eng


90 min

Gratis | Free
Aan Madiba se sy

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Tafelberg & Netwerk24
MET | WITH Zelda la Grange & Mia Spies
Zelda la Grange was vir twee dekades Nelson Mandela se regterhand. In What Nelson Mandela Taught Me deel Zeldastories wat sy geleer het oor nederigheid, respek, eerlikheid, hoe om waarlik te luister en wat om te doen as jy ’n groot fout begaan, soos sy self ook moes leer ná ’n ondeurdagte twiet. ’n Gesprek wat beloof om wyshede en hoop te bied, en van ons vra om Madiba se nagedagtenis te eer deur met integriteit te lewe.
For two decades, Zelda la Grange was Nelson Mandela’s right hand. In What Nelson Mandela Taught Me, Zelda draws from his lessons on humility, respect, honesty, how to truly listen and what to do when you have made a grave mistake; a lesson she had to learn the hard way after a thoughtless tweet. A conversation that promises to provide wisdom and hope and inspire us to honour Madiba’s legacy by living with integrity.

3 Mei/May 9:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
A Love Letter to the Many

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jacana Media
MET | WITH Vishwas Satgar & Dinga Sikwebu
In 1994 was Suid-Afrika vir die linksgesinde wêreld ’n baken van hoop. Ná apartheid was daar ’n indrukwekkende en ryke tradisie van liberale politiek. ’n Rewolusionêr-nasionalistiese ANC; die oudste kommunistiese party in Afrika, die SAKP; en COSATU, een van die wêreld se militantste vakbond-federasies, het ’n sentrale rol in die totstandkoming van die demokrasie gespeel. Maar vandag staan ons by ’n kruispad. Die land kan disintegreer onder konflik as gevolg van sosiale en ekonomiese ongelykheid, óf dit kan die afgrond van rassepolarisering instort as gevolg van die opkoms van radikaal-nasionalistiese en neofascistiese bewegings, óf dit loop die gevaar om oorweldig te word deur die inploffing van sosio-ekologiese stelsels wat krisis op krisis sal ontlont. Kom luister wat die kenners oor dié scenario’s te sê het.
South Africa was the hope of the leftist world when it emerged from apartheid in 1994. It had an impressive and rich tradition of liberal politics. At the heart of post-apartheid democracy-making was a revolutionary nationalist ANC; the oldest communist party in Africa, the SACP; and one of the most militant labour union federations in the world, COSATU. Yet, today South Africa finds itself at a crossroad. The country can either devour itself through social and economic inequality; plunge further into racial polarisation due to the resurgence of radical nationalist and neo-fascist movements; or risk being overcome with the collapse of socio-ecological systems, causing crisis upon crisis. Join this conversation to hear what experts have to say about these scenarios.

3 Mei/May 11:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Breaking Bread

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jonathan Ball Publishers
MET | WITH Jonathan Jansen & Lester Kiewit
Professor. Hooggeleerde. Doring in die vlees vir vele. In sy rubrieke, boeke en op sosiale media is Jonathan Jansen ’n bedrywige man, en hy is nie bang om kaalvuis te praat oor skole en universiteite, ras, politiek en ons ingewikkelde Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing nie. Vir baie jare reeds word sy kommentaar op van die mees omstrede kwessies in ons land gekenmerk deur deeglike ontledings, ’n gevoel van ontferming asook ’n dikwels moedswillige humorsin. Nou, in sy outobiografie, loop Jansen terug op die spore van sy grootwordjare in ’n liefdevolle, streng evangelistiese gesin op die Kaapse Vlakte; die invloed van ’n inspirerende onderwyser wat hom op die pad van doelgerigtheid plaas; en om die eerste van sy tydgenote te wees wat universiteit toe kon gaan.
Professor. Pundit. Public nuisance. In his columns, books and on social media, Jonathan Jansen is prolific, and he likes to speak his mind about schools and universities, race, politics and our complex South African society. He has brought incisive analysis, compassion and a sense of humour to some of the most controversial issues in our country for many years. And now, in his memoir, Jansen goes back to his early years: growing up in a loving, fiercely evangelical family on the Cape Flats, being put on the road to purpose by an inspiring school teacher and becoming the first of his generation to go to university.

3 Mei/May 12:30

Afr, Eng


60 min

Gratis | Free
Boeke en feeste – pasmaats?

Vriende van Afrikaans: Ommietafelgesprek | Roundtable discussion
MET | WITH Chareldine van der Merwe, Alma Struwig, Melt Myburgh & Nita Cronjé
Wat is die rol wat boeke, lees en boekwinkels by feeste speel? Is daar nog ’n behoefte aan en ’n plek vir die geskrewe woord by feeste?
Do books, reading and bookshops play a role at festivals? Is there still a need and a place for the written word at festivals?

3 Mei/May 14:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Gedrukte media of digitaal – hoe vertolk ons die nuus?

MET | WITH Jody Hendricks, Carryn-Ann Nel, Cristal Oderson & Ryland Fisher
Daar is soveel platforms – digitaal en gedruk – waarop die nuus vinniger as ’n veldbrand versprei. Maar hoe hou nuusmakers by met die vinnig veranderende medialandskap? Hoe word joernaliste deesdae opgelei? Gesoute joernaliste kom gesels oor hulle varsity-dae en deel hul ervaringe en perspektiewe oor die stand van die joernalistiek.
There are many platforms – both digital and print – where news spreads faster than a wildfire. How do newsmakers keep up in this ever-changing media landscape? How are journalists trained in this day and age? Seasoned journalists share experiences from their varsity days and their perspectives on the current state of journalism.

3 Mei/May 15:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
Die binnerym van bloed

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Penguin Random House SA & Netwerk24
MET | WITH Antjie Krog & Mia Spies
In haar nuwe genre-oorskrydende boek, Die binnerym van bloed, skryf Antjie Krog oor die ingewikkelde verhouding tussen haar en haar skrywersma, Dot Serfontein. Deur briewe, dagboekinskrywings en opnames, ondersoek sy die kreatiewe invloed, ideologiese verskille en die realiteite van veroudering. Terwyl Antjie reflekteer oor kulturele nalatenskappe en verhoudinge oor generasies heen, diep sy ook persoonlike stories op oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog; ontleed sy kwessies soos grondbesit en ras; en ondersoek sy romanse tussen mense van verskillende rasse. Die storie oor die verhouding tussen ma en dogter – Krog se persoonlikste boek, maar ook mees universele.
In her genre-breaking new book, Antjie Krog chronicles the complex relationship between herself and her writer mother, Dot Serfontein. Using letters, diary entries and transcriptions, the book explores creative influence, ideological disagreements and the realities of ageing. While reflecting on cultural legacies and intergenerational relationships, the book also unearths personal stories from the Anglo-Boer War, picks apart issues of landownership and race, and explores interracial romantic relationships. The story of the relationship between mother and daughter, this is Krog’s most personal book, as well as her most universal.

4 Mei/May 9:30



60 min

Gratis | Free
Die krag om bo uit te kom

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Lux Verbi
MET | WITH Johnny Davids, Farren Cloete & Haidee Muller-Isaacs
Johnny Davids en Farren Cloete het baie gemeen: Beide ken die seer van die lewe, beide het al op afdraaipaadjies verdwaal, en beide is vandag bekendes wat ander inspireer met hul lewensverhale wat getuig hoe ’n mens die krag kan vind om bo uit te kom. Vandag is Johnny ’n suksesvolle televisie- en sportaanbieder, en Farren is die dominee van die pienk kerk op Lambertsbaai en ook ’n bekende TikTok-ster en smaakmaker.
Johnny Davids and Farren Cloete have a lot in common: They have both experienced pain, lost their way and are now inspiring others by telling their stories of finding the strength to come out on top. Today, Johnny is a successful television and sports presenter, and Farren is the minister of the pink church in Lambert’s Bay as well as a TikTok star and influencer.

4 Mei/May 11:00



60 min

Gratis | Free
Op die markplein – waar almal preek

In samewerking met die Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu-Prysfonds | In collaboration with the Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu Prize Fund
MET | WITH Bettina Wyngaard & Siya Khumalo
Op sosiale media, in kommentare van aanlyn koerante, orals is daar predikers. Die een preek harder as die ander een, en elkeen het die enigste waarheid beet. Hoe vind ’n mens jou balans, en hoe neem jy deel aan Babels-verwarrende gesprekke oor geloof? Bettina Wyngaard, voorsitter van die Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu-Prysfonds, gesels met bekroondes soos Siya Khumalo (skrywer van The Queer Book of Revelation en You Have to be Gay to Know God) oor watter rol geloof en spiritualiteit en skryfwerk daaroor in die openbare ruimte speel, en hoe dit ’n opbouende en sinvolle bydrae kan lewer.
People preach everywhere – from social media to the comments of online newspapers. Each voice is louder than the next, and each person believes they proclaim the only truth. How do you find balance and how do you take part in perplexing conversations about religion? Bettina Wyngaard, chairperson of the Andrew Murray-Desmond Tutu Prize Fund, talks to prize-winners like Siya Khumalo (author of The Queer Book of Revelation and You Have to be Gay to Know God) about the role of religion and spirituality (and texts about these matters) in the public space and how it can make a constructive and meaningful contribution.

4 Mei/May 12:30

Afr, Eng


60 min

Gratis | Free
Africa on the global stage – who are we playing with?

In samewerking met | In collaboration with Jacana Media
MET | WITH Mandira Bagwandeen & Siphamandla Zondi
Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering kry gereeld die wind van voor oor hulle internasionale beleid. Moet Suid-Afrika deel wees van BRICS of sit ons aan tafel saam met muishondlande? Moet Suid-Afrika strenger optree teen Rusland en minder kant kies vir die Palestyne? Behoort ons in Trump se goeie boekies te wees? Het die oorlog in die DRK enigiets met ons te doen? In hierdie gesprek, soos in die boek Africa and its Strategic Partnerships with BRICS and Other Emerging Countries, word daar besin oor Afrika se groeiende invloed in die globale geoplitiek – van ekonomiese en handelsooreenkomste tot veiligheidsamewerkings en kulturele uitruiling. Die verhoogligte skyn al helderder op Afrika, wat die vraag na die kontinent se strategiese vennootskappe verskerp: Met wie speel ons saam en met wie nie?
The South African government often runs into difficulties with their international policies. Should South Africa be a part of BRICS or are we in the wrong company? Should South Africa take action against Russia and not side with the Palestinians? Should we be in Trump’s good books? Does the war in the DRC have anything to do with us? As in the book Africa and its Strategic Partnerships with BRICS and Other Emerging Countries, this conversation reflects on Africa’s growing influence in global geopolitics – from economic and trade cooperation to security collaboration and cultural exchanges. The stage is set and the spotlight is on Africa, highlighting the continent’s strategic partnerships. Who are we playing with and who is left waiting in the wings?

4 Mei/May 14:00



60 min

Gratis | Free