Pulp Fiction

KUNSTENAAR | ARTIST Kirby van der Merwe
Eugene stap uit die blaaie van Kirby van der Merwe se gelyknamige roman. Eugene is ’n skadubeeld van die skrywer-dramaturg Bertolt Brecht se “Van arme B.B.”. Nes Brecht kom Eugene uit die swart woude, en die kilte van dié woude sal in hom wees tot sy sterfdag toe. Hierdie uitstalling bring Eugene se trauma-skilderye byeen.
Eugene is the title character in Kirby van der Merwe’s novel of the same name. Eugene is the shadow image of the poor man who explores displacement from the forests of his birth to the city in author and playwright Bertold Brecht’s poem “Of Poor B.B.”. Eugene will hold within his soul the essence and starkness of the forests until the day he dies. This exhibition assembles Eugene’s trauma paintings.

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Teaterportaal-balkon, tweede vloer
Theatre Foyer Balcony, second floor
Stormkaap: Kom drome andersom uit?

KUNSTENAARS | ARTISTS Nathan Trantraal, André Trantraal & Ashley Marais
Stormkaap is ’n oorsig van die grafiese werk van André en Nathan Trantraal, asook hul langtermyn-samewerker Ashley Marais. Hierdie uitstalling is ’n tapisserie van meer as twintig jaar se werk, van hul eerste grafiese roman, Stormkaap: Drome kom altyd andersom uit, tot hul strokiesprente in koerante, geïllustreerde poësie en Coloureds.
Stormkaap is an overview of the graphic art of André and Nathan Trantraal, and their longterm collaborator, Ashley Marais. This exhibition is a tapestry of work produced over more than two decades, from the artists’ first graphic novel, Stormkaap: Drome kom altyd andersom uit, to their strips in newspapers, illustrated poetry and Coloureds.

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Kandelaar-portaal, tweede vloer
Chandelier Foyer, second floor

KUNSTENAARS | ARTISTS Jeremeo le Cordeur, Juanne-Pierre de Abreu aka JooJ, Keith Johnson, Mary-Sue Morris, Terence Visagie & Sonja Grieve
KURATOR | CURATOR Marie Vogts, Figure of 8 Dance Theatre
Verweef fokus op kunswerke en fotografie van dansgeselskappe en samewerking. Deur middel van eenvoudige elemente soos handgebare, lyfimpulse, aanraking en blote oogkontak tussen dansers, word dié dissipline ’n universele taal wat ons almal aan mekaar verbind. Hierdie uitstalling herinner ons dat dans ’n uiting van vertroue en kreatiwiteit is waar elke individu verweef word in die kunswerk van die lewe.
Verweef is an exhibition of artworks and photographs that focus on dance companies and collaboration. Through simple elements such as hand gestures, body impulses, touch and eye contact between dancers, their artistry becomes a universal language through which we connect to one another. This exhibition reminds us that dance is an expression of trust and creativity where each individual is interwoven into the artwork we call life.

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Marmer-portaal-verlenging, eerste vloer
Marble Foyer Extention, first floor
Om ’n bordjie kos

KUNSTENAARS | ARTISTS Willie Bester, Brette-Anne Moolman, Amor Roelofse, Corlie de Kock, Daniël du Plessis, Elizabeth Gunter, Estelle Marais, Gustav Bester, Jacques Dhont, Jeanne Wasserman, Joubert Stander, Louis Jansen van Vuuren, Marieke Rowe-Prinsloo, Michele Nigrini, Rose Gelderblom, Sandra Hanekom & Sharle Matthews
KURATOR | CURATOR Anne-Ghrett Erasmus Coetzee
Marthinus Versfeld, die legendariese filosoof, het klem gelê op die waarde en belangrikheid van ’n goeie bord kos om mense bymekaar te bring. In sy boek Klip en klei vertel hy dat ’n goeie kok ’n sielsdokter is wie se taak dit is om ’n individu met die wêreld te versoen. Kom voed jou siel deur kuns oor kos.
The legendary philosopher Marthinus Versfeld emphasised the value and importance of a hearty meal to bring people together. In his book Klip en klei he describes a good chef as a physician of the soul whose task it is to reconcile people in the world. Come nourish your soul through art on food.

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During the festival

Kandelaar-portaal, tweede vloer
Chandelier Foyer, second floor
Die Ihaos-projek: Ontmoetingsboom
The Ihaos Project: Meeting Tree

KUNSTENAARS | ARTISTS KSUT-onderwysstudente | CPUT Education students, Wellington
Ihaos beteken in Kora, een van ons Khoi-tale, “ontmoetingsboom”. Deur simboliese bome met garingdrade aan mekaar te verbind, word dit ’n visuele metafoor vir samesyn. Die Ihaos-projek installeer “familiebome” op kampusse regoor Suid-Afrika om koloniale narratiewe uit te daag en om die stemme en ervarings van sowel die verlede as die hede in kuns uit te druk. Kom kyk by die Suidoosterfees hoe stilgemaakte familiegeskiedenisse ’n impak kan maak op jou begrip van ons gedeelde erfenis.
In Kora, one of our Khoi languages, Ihaos means “meeting tree”. By symbolically binding trees together with lengths of yarn, a visual metaphor for togetherness is created. The Ihaos Project installs “family trees” on campuses all over South Africa as a challenge to colonial narratives and to include voices and experiences from the past and the present in modern artistic expressions. Come and experience how silenced family histories impact understanding of our shared heritage.

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Marmer-portale, eerste vloer
Marble Foyers, first floor
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VISUELE KUNSTENAARS | VISUAL ARTISTS Kobus la Grange, Marinda du Toit, Pierre Cloete, Robyn Pretorius & Zubenathi Ayanda Filana
OPTREEKUNSTENAARS | PERFORMANCE ARTISTS Mmatumisang Motsisi & Tiffani Kayler Dlamini, Carin Bester & Eddie Newman
In vandag se wêreld is die eenheid tussen uiteenlopende mense belangriker as ooit. Wanneer individue uit verskillende kulturele, godsdienstige, etniese en sosio-ekonomiese agtergronde bymekaarkom en mekaar respekteer, bring dit ’n rykdom van perspektiewe en ervarings wat gemeenskappe verryk. In hierdie uitstalling kyk ons na figuurlike werke deur ’n uiteenlopende groep kunstenaars, elk met ’n unieke styl wat die krag van individualiteit in eenheid na vore bring.
In today’s world, cohesion between different people is more important than ever. When individuals from diverse cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds come together and respect one another, it enriches the perspectives and experiences of communities. This exhibition features figurative works by a diverse group of artists, each using their unique style to demonstrate the power of individuality in unity.

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During the festival

Marmer-portaal, eerste vloer
Marble Foyer, first floor
Bo:Onder | Above:Below

MET | WITH Mmatumisang Motsisi & Tiffani Kayler Dlamini
Bo:Onder is ’n verkenning van terugkeer, herstel en herverbinding met Kaapstad se inheemse plantlewe. Soos wat die kunstenaars deur fisiese ruimtes beweeg, stel hulle gehore bekend aan die familie van blomme wat eens die kleihellings en sandvlaktes van wat ons vandag as Kaapstad ken, bewoon het.
Above:Below is an exploration of return, restoration and reconnection through the embrace of Cape Town’s indigenous plants. Moving through physical space, the artists introduce audiences to the family of flowers that used to occupy the clay slopes and sand flats of what we today know as Cape Town.

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During the festival

Piazza voor Artscape
Piazza in front of Artscape
Die grys gebied

MET | WITH Carin Bester & Eddie Newman
Hierdie optreekunsvertoning neem die tussengebied waar spanning en harmonie as teenoorgesteldes teenoor mekaar staan, as vertrekpunt. In die soeke na balans en saambestaan transformeer die verhouding tussen kunstenaar, waarnemer en omgewing. Feesgangers word uitgedaag om teenstrydighede binne hulself en met die wêreld te omhels en die skoonheid en krag te ontdek wat in die bymekaarkom van teenoorgesteldes lê.
This performance art work takes as its point of departure the gray area between tension and harmony. The search for balance and cohesion tranforms the relationship between artist, onlooker and environment. Festivalgoers are challenged to embrace the contradictions within themselves and the world, to discover the beauty and power that are unlocked when opposites meet.

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During the festival

Piazza voor Artscape
Piazza in front of Artscape