Ondersteun deur Compagniesdrift
Amanda Strydom en Coenraad Rall
Teks en regie: Amanda Strydom
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 28 April 18:15, 29 April 16:45 en 21:15, 1 Mei 12:15 en 19:45
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Die ikoniese Amanda Strydom vertolk sewe van Edith Piaf se welbekendste liedere. “La vie en Rose”, “Non je ne regrette rien” en “Milord”, onder andere, word kunstig verweef met poësie en delikaat begelei deur die manjifieke Coenraad Rall. Een-en twintig minute van verrukking!


Supported by Compagniesdrift
Amanda Strydom and Coenraad Rall
Writer and director: Amanda Strydom
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 28 April 18:15, 29 April 16:45 and 21:15, 1 May 12:15 and 19:45
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

The iconic Amanda Strydom performs seven of Edith Piaf’s best-known songs. “La vie en Rose”, “Non je ne regrette rien” and “Milord”, among others, are skilfully interwoven with poetry and delicately accompanied by the magnificent Coenraad Rall. Twenty-one minutes of sheer enchantment!


Ondersteun deur die inwoners van Ruiterbosch
Dean Smith
Teks: Dean Smith
Regie: Gantane Kusch
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 27 April 19:45, 28 April 11:30 en 16:00, 1 Mei 16:00 en 19:00
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Aunty Bettie was al gearresteer, ja! Hoe het hierdie vooraanstaande antie in so ’n penarie beland? En sy moes ’n volle 21 minute in ’n aanhoudingsel met geharde kriminele deurmaak! Kom hoor hoe sy dit oorleef het. Of, moet ons eerder sê: Kom hoor hoe húlle dit oorleef het met Bettie se skerp tong! Die storie speel af in real-time.


Supported by the residents of Ruiterbosch
Dean Smith
Writer: Dean Smith
Director: Gantane Kusch
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 27 April 19:45, 28 April 11:30 and 16:00, 1 May 16:00 and 19:00
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Aunty Bettie had been arrested, believe it or not! How did this eminent lady end up in such a predicament? And she had to spend a full 21 minutes in a holding cell with hardened criminals! Come find out how she made it out of there. Or should we rather say: Come find out how they survived Bettie’s sharp tongue! The story is portrayed in real-time.


Ondersteun deur die Garden Court Nelson Mandela Boulevard en Southern Sun The Cullinan
Met: Janelle Visagie
Komponis: Lee Hoiby
Musiekregie en pianis: José Dias
Regie: Magdalene Minnaar
Taal: Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 29 April 18:15, 30 April 18:15, 1 Mei 15:15
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

’n Boeiende kortopera wat sentreer om Julia Child se dekadente sjokoladekoekresep. Dié musikale monoloog deur die Amerikaanse komponis Lee Hoiby, is ’n transkripsie van ’n episode uit die 1963 TV-dokumentêr The French Chef. Sluit aan by Fleur du Cap-wenner Janelle Visagie en pianis José Dias vir ’n klassieke aanbod wat jou mond sal laat water.


Supported by the Garden Court Nelson Mandela Boulevard and Southern Sun The Cullinan
With: Janelle Visagie
Composer: Lee Hoiby
Musical director and pianist: José Dias
Director: Magdalene Minnaar
Language: Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 29 April 18:15, 30 April 18:15, 1 May 15:15
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

A captivating short opera that brings Julia Child’s iconic chocolate cake recipe to life. This unique culinary comedy is fully indulged by the musical monologue of American composer Lee Hoiby and features Fleur du Cap winner Janelle Visagie, with musical direction by José Dias.


Ondersteun deur Compagniesdrift
Veronique Jephtas
Gebaseer op die skrywes van Mavis vannie Lavis
Verwerking: Veronique Jephtas
Regie: Rafiek Mammon
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 26 April 10:45 en 15:15, 27 April 12:15, 28 April 20:30, 30 April 17:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Beleef ’n tale queen op ’n mission. Moenie ’n fout makie: sy issie a fairy nie. Moet oekie dink sy is fair nie. Sy is vannie Lavis en blatantly so. Kô vat ’n trip down memory lane en vang ’n front row seat oppie voorstoep van Mavis se juiciest stories. Promiscuity, brutal honesty, sarcasm en pure lekker skinder. As jy vannie Lavis af is, is jy safe. Anywhere else, clutch your pearls and while you’re at it, soema hold your horses! Sien jou daar!


Supported by Compagniesdrift
Veronique Jephtas
Based on the writings of Mavis vannie Lavis
Adaptation: Veronique Jephtas
Director: Rafiek Mammon
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 26 April 10:45 and 15:15, 27 April 12:15, 28 April 20:30, 30 April 17:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Experience a tale queen on a mission. Make no mistake – she is no fairy. And don’t think she is fair. She’s from Lavis and blatantly so. Come take a trip down memory lane and catch a front row seat on the porch for Mavis’ juiciest stories. Promiscuity, brutal honesty, sarcasm and pure lekker gossip. If you’re from Lavis, you are safe. Anywhere else, clutch your pearls and while you’re at it, soema hold your horses! See you there!


Ondersteun deur die Van Ewijck Stigting

Met: Lukhanyiso Skhosana, Lungile Lallie en studente en alumni van die Koningstheateracademie
Regie: Anna Uitde Haag
Taal: Ndl, Eng
Venue: NATi Repteater
Datum en tyd: 27 April 21:30, 28 April 21:30, 29 April 14:30, 30 April 15:00
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

In hierdie aweregse aanbieding van Suidoosterfees-gaste uit Nederland, bring die talentvolle studente van die Koningstheateracademie in Hertogenbosch jou ’n spesiale boeket van kabaretsketse en skreeusnaakse skerpskets-komedie.


Supported by the Van Ewijck Foundation

With: Lukhanyiso Skhosana, Lungile Lallie and students and alumni of the Koningstheateracademie
Director: Anna Uitde Haag
Language: Dutch, Eng
Venue: NATi Rep Theatre
Date and time: 27 April 21:30, 28 April 21:30, 29 April 14:30, 30 April 15:00
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

In this unconventional presentation by Suidoosterfees guests from the Netherlands, the talented students from the Koningstheateracademie in Hertogenbosch bring you a special offering of cabaret sketches and hilarious stand-up comedy.


Met: André Terblanché en Karli Heine
Teks en regie: Dean Balie
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 29 April 14:30, 30 April 11:30 en 16:00, 1 Mei 13:00
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Die old school speurder Jan Brand ondervra die jazz-sangeres Alia Vry. Alia is ’n verdagte in die moord van haar man, Henkie Uiwe. Een drankie word vinnig ’n paar, en een liedjie word vinnig drie. Jazz standards kry ’n heerlike overhaul en stories word vinnig gespin in hierdie 21-minuut rompslomp van ’n avontuur in ’n klein kroegie wat soveel meer as net grondboontjies en goedkoop whiskey op die rak het.


With: André Terblanché and Karli Heine
Writer and director: Dean Balie
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 29 April 14:30, 30 April 11:30 and 16:00, 1 May 13:00
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Old school detective Jan Brand interrogates jazz singer Alia Vry. Alia is a suspect in the murder of her husband, Henkie Uiwe. One drink quickly turns into a couple, and one song suddenly becomes three. Jazz standards get a wonderful overhaul and stories are quickly spun in this 21-minute adventurous ado in a small bar that offers more than just peanuts and cheap whiskey.


Ondersteun deur SON
Nic Miso, William Jacobs en Galaxy-klub-musikante
Regie: William Jacobs en Nic Miso
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 27 April 13:00 en 20:30, 29 April 13:45 en 19:45
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Kaapstad se musiek- en dansliefhebbers met avontuur in die are hang al vir vier dekades in die Galaxy-klub in Athlone uit. Dit is hier waar regte-egte Kaapse musiek gebore en gekoester word, waar onvergeetlike herinneringe steeds vasgelê en vriendskappe oor generasies heen gesmee word. Hierdie jazz-huldeblyk deur musiekmakers wat sinoniem met die ikoniese klub is, vier die bymekaarkomplek waar mense hul vryheid en drome steeds laat botvier tot die son opkom!


Supported by SON
Nic Miso, William Jacobs and Galaxy Club musicians
Directors: William Jacobs and Nic Miso
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 27 April 13:00 and 20:30, 29 April 13:45 and 19:45
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

For the past four decades, the Galaxy Club in Athlone has been a hub for Cape Town’s music and dance lovers who have adrenaline in the veins. The club fosters authentic Cape Town-made music, as well as unforgettable memories and friendships that last for generations. In this jazzy homage by musicians synonymous with the iconic club, we toast the gathering place where patrons can still celebrate personal freedom and dreams until sunrise!


Met: Mila de Villiers, Jeanne-Marié Koekemoer en Megan Vorster
Teks en regie: Melissa Myburgh
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya 
Datum en tyd: 26 April 19:45, 27 April 10:45 en 15:15, 28 April 19:00, 1 Mei 10:00
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Wat is elke ouer se grootste vrees? Boelies? Ongelukke en beserings? ’n Kind wat kuns gaan swot? Nee. ’n Tienerpartytjie sonder toesig. Melissa Myburgh, produk van die Suidoosterfees se NATi Jong Sterre-projek, neem drie US-Dramastudente onder hande om feesgangers te verras en te beïndruk met hulle siening van die hedendaagse wêreld. Jeugtalent op sy beste!


With:Mila de Villiers, Jeanne-Marié Koekemoer and Megan Vorster
Writer and director: Melissa Myburgh
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 26 April 19:45, 27 April 10:45 and 15:15, 28 April 19:00, 1 May 10:00
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

What is any parent’s greatest fear? Bullies? Accidents and injuries? A child who wants to study art? No. It’s a teen party without supervision. Melissa Myburgh, a product of the festival’s NATi Rising Stars project, takes charge of three SU Drama students to surprise and impress you with their view of today’s world. Young talent at its best!


Met: Carlo Daniels
Teks en regie: Melissa Myburgh
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya 
Datum en tyd: 26 April 12:15 en 16:45, 28 April 10:00 en 17:30, 29 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

’n Man is toegesluit in sy huis nadat paranoia hom oorval. ’n Hangkas en ’n wasgoedmandjie sy enigste geselskap. Hy wend hom tot ’n ou vriend: ’n linkerkous oor sy hand getrek. Wie sou kon raai dat sy metgesel hom gaan verraai deur ’n regterkous in die middel van die nag te laat insluip? Die paar beplan om die man te vermoor sodat hulle hul skelm romanse in vrede kan voortsit. ’n Donker komedie oor verraad, kattekwaad en sokkiesake.


With: Carlo Daniels
Writer and director: Melissa Myburgh
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV Isibaya 
Date and time: 26 April 12:15 and 16:45, 28 April 10:00 and 17:30, 29 April 11:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

A man locks himself inside his house after paranoia overcomes him. A closet and a washing machine his only company. He turns to an old friend, a left sock pulled over his hand. Who would guess that this partner would betray him by sneaking in a right sock in the middle of the night? To continue their secret affair in peace, the pair plans to kill the man. A dark comedy about double-crossing, being up to no good and stocking issues.


Met: Miché C. van Wyk en Vihann van Rooyen (pianis)
Teks: Miché C. van Wyk
Regie: Petrus du Preez
Taal: Afr, Nama
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 26 April 13:45, 29 April 16:00, 30 April 14:30 en 20:30, 1 Mei 14:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Niks bly dieselfde wanneer die dorp se kerk toemaak nie. Auntie Bekkie skinder, Suster Frances steel, die polisie is pateties. ’n Paar mense volg die valse profeet en die res neuk ook maar net aan. Alles en almal behalwe die Here is teenwoordig op Kookfontein. Selfs die duiwel tree buitengewoon op. Waar sal die gemeenskap se hulp vandaan kom?


With: Miché C van Wyk and Vihann van Rooyen (pianist)
Adaptation: Miché C van Wyk 
Director: Petrus du Preez
Language: Afr, Nama
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 26 April 13:45, 29 April 16:00, 30 April 14:30 and 20:30, 1 May 14:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Stability is fragile when a church closes. Auntie Bekkie gossips, Sister Frances steals, the police are pathetic. Some people follow the false prophet, and the rest is also just a mess. Everything and everyone except the Lord is present on Kookfontein. The devil isn’t even the devil anymore. From whence shall cometh their help?


Met: Frazer Barry, Charlton Davids en Deniel Barry
Teks: Frazer Barry, Charlton Davids en Deniel Barry
Regie: Frazer Barry
Taal: Afr, Khoekhoegowab
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 26 April 21:15, 27 April 21:15, 29 April 13:00 en 19:00
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

’n Vermaaklike en satiriese kykie na die manier waarop die woorde wat ons die wêreld instuur, asook die stiltes wat tussen daardie woorde lê, uitdrukking gee aan ons ervarings en nie-ervarings. Kom geniet eg Suid-Afrikaanse musiek, poësie, stories en rymklets, heerlik aaneengevleg deur elemente van kabaret.


With: Frazer Barry, Charlton Davids and Deniel Barry
Writer: Frazer Barry, Charlton Davids and Deniel Barry
Director: Frazer Barry
Language: Afr, Khoekhoegowab
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 26 April 21:15, 27 April 21:15, 29 April 13:00 and 19:00
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

An entertaining, satirical perspective on how the words we project into the world, as well as the silences between those words, give expression to our experiences and non-experiences. Come enjoy authentic South African music, poetry, storytelling and rap, beautifully strung together with elements of cabaret.


Met: Dansers van Unmute Dance Theatre
Choreografie: Andile Vellem
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 26 April 10:00, 30 April 15:15
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

As jong leerder in ’n skool vir dowes is Andile Vellem se hande tydens liplees-lesse vasgemaak om te verhoed dat hy gebaretaal gebruik. Eers onlangs het gebaretaal Suid-Afrika se 12de amptelike taal geword. Hierdie uitsonderlike produksie gee vir ons insig in die wêreld van dowe mense terwyl dit ons stilweg meevoer deur beweging en gebare, alles geïnspireer deur die alfabet in ons hande.


With: Dancers of Unmute Dance Theatre
Choreography: Andile Vellem
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 26 April 10:00, 30 April 15:15
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

When he was a boy in a school for the deaf, Andile Vellem’s hands were tied during lip-reading lessons to prevent him from using sign language. Only recently, sign language became South Africa’s 12th official language. This incredible production provides insight into the world of the deaf while silently sweeping us away with beautiful movements and gestures, all inspired by the alphabet in our hands.



Ondersteun deur Edmund Beukes
Met Corneil Müller en Lynelle Kenned
Musiekregie en pianis Stefan Lombard
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 26 April 11:30 en 16:00, 29 April 15:15, 1 Mei 13:45 en 18:15
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Twee gedugte klassieke sangers pak meesleurende treffers by die horings en neem jou op ’n kwesbare pad van lank terug tot nou. Liedere wat eens verban was, deur kunstenaars soos Johannes Kerkorrel, Taliep Petersen, Hugh Masekela, David Kramer en Brenda Fassie, word oor genre-grense heen versigtig en eerlik “ontban”.


Supported by Edmund Beukes
With: Corneil Müller and Lynelle Kenned
Musical director and pianist: Stefan Lombard
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 26 April 11:30 and 16:00, 29 April 15:15, 1 May 13:45 and 18:15
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Two mind-blowing classical singers take on riveting hits from our past up to the present. Songs that were once banned by artists like Johannes Kerkorrel, Taliep Petersen, Hugh Masekela, David Kramer and Brenda Fassie, are skilfully “unbanned” with reinterpretations across genre boundaries.


Aangebied deur AGL Opera
Johann Strauss II en Franz Lehár
Pianis: Lisa Engelbrecht
Musiekregie: Johannes van Staden-Slabbert
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 26 April 14:30, 30 April 19:45, 1 Mei 16:45 en 21:15
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Sluit aan by ons vier wêreldklas-operasangers, gebaseer in Kaapstad, vir ’n betowerende reis tot in die hart van operette. Kom vergeet van die wêreld en laat jou meevoer deur die boeiende melodieë van Johann Strauss II en Franz Lehár, insluitend hoogtepunte uit Die Fledermaus, Merry Widow, Land of Smiles, Zigeunerbaron en A Night in Venice.


Presented by AGL Opera
Johann Strauss II and Franz Lehár
Pianist: Lisa Engelbrecht
Musical director: Johannes van Staden-Slabbert
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 26 April 14:30, 30 April 19:45, 1 May 16:45 and 21:15
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Join our four world-class Cape Town-based opera singers for a mesmerising journey to the heart of operetta. Immerse yourself in the captivating melodies of Johann Strauss II and Franz Lehár, including highlights from Die Fledermaus, Merry Widow, Land of Smiles, Zigeunerbaron, and A Night in Venice.


Ondersteun deur Ton en Anet Vosloo
Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck

Teks en regie: Jurgen Human
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 27 April 18:15, 29 April 17:30 en 20:30, 1 Mei 11:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Een van die grootste uitdagings vir oumense is om die skatkis van kennis en ondervinding wat hulle deur die jare opgebou het, oor te dra aan die jong brigade. Maar jong mense luister nie, want hulle dink mos hulle weet beter. Ouma reken dis omdat hulle nie die waarheid wíl hoor nie; die waarheid is te moeilik. Maar Ouma gaan dit vir jou vertel – of jy dit nou like of nie!


Supported by Ton and Anet Vosloo
With: Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck
Writer and director: Jurgen Human
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 27 April 18:15, 29 April 17:30 and 20:30, 1 May 11:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

One of the biggest challenges for old people is to share their treasure trove of knowledge and experience, acquired over many years, with young people. Youngsters won’t listen, they think they know better. Ouma reckons it’s because they don’t want to hear the truth; the truth is unbearable. But Ouma will tell you straight – whether you like it or not!


Met: Figure of 8 Dance Collective
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 25 April 11:30, 26 April 13:00, 30 April 13:45, 1 Mei 10:45 
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

In hierdie dansteater-aanbieding sentreer die gebeure om die dinamika van ’n skare. Nie net word die gesamentlike jubeling en warboel emosies van ’n groep mense bymekaar deur energieke beweging uitgebeeld nie, maar ook die onderliggende gevaar wat enige tyd kan ontplof in iets radikaal.


With: Figure of 8 Dance Collective
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 25 April 11:30, 26 April 13:00, 30 April 13:45, 1 May 10:45 
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

This dance theatre presentation explores the dynamics within a crowd. The collective jubilation and jumbled emotions of a group of people together are depicted through energetic movements, but also the underlying danger that can instantly explode into something radical.


Ondersteun deur KSUT
Met: Gary Naidoo en Liandé Valentyn
Teks en regie: Rafiek Mammon
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 26 April 18:15, 27 April 16:45, 28 April 14:30, 1 Mei 17:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Hadji Fatgiyah en Boeta Rajee, seremoniemonsters van die gewilde Boogie show, staan gereed om vanuit hul voorkamer in die Bo-Kaap skreeusnaakse wyshede te deel. Kom lag oor hoe dié twee die moderne lewe met sy gevorderde tegnologie aanpak. ’n Gas is ook op pad, en wie weet, miskien is daar nog iets wat Fatgiyah weggee? Onthou, Fatgiyah se naam sê dit mos: “Ander mense sal vat, maar sy sal gie-ja!”


Supported by CPUT
With: Gary Naidoo and Liandé Valentyn
Writer and director: Rafiek Mammon
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 26 April 18:15, 27 April 16:45, 28 April 14:30, 1 May 17:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Hadji Fatgiyah and Boeta Rajee, MCs of the popular Boogie show, are ready to share outrageous pearls of wisdom from their lounge in the Bo-Kaap. Come laugh along as these two try to cope with modern life and fast-developing technology. A guest is also on the way, and who knows, perhaps there is something Fatgiyah would like to give away? Remember, Fatgiyah’s name says it all: Others may take, but she is always willing to give.


Met: Marianne Thamm
Teks: Marianne Thamm
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV-Isibaya
Datum en tyd: 27 April 13:45, 28 April 13:00, 30 April 13:00 en 19:00, 1 Mei 20:30
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Kom lag en vier Suid-Afrika se unieke demokrasie saam met gesoute Daily Maverick-joernalis Marianne Thamm. Vir 2024 se verkiesing belowe meer as 200 kandidate alles onder die son. Moeg vir beurtkrag, slaggate en vuilbek politici? Jy het die mag in jou hande! Alles wat jy wil en moet weet oor die politiek en hoe die Grondwet ons al beskerm het, in net 21 minute! Verlede jaar het dié gevierde ondersoekende joernalis en skrywer gehore in Suid-Afrika en Nederland laat skater!


With: Marianne Thamm
Writer: Marianne Thamm
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: ATKV Isibaya
Date and time: 27 April 13:45, 28 April 13:00, 30 April 13:00 and 19:00, 1 May 20:30
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Come laugh and celebrate South Africa’s unique democracy with Daily Maverick journalist Marianne Thamm. More than 200 candidates are making wild promises in the run-up to the 2024 elections. Tired of load-shedding, potholes and foul-mouthed politicians? You got the power! Everything you want to (and should) know about politics and how the Constitution has already protected you, in only 21 minutes! Last year, this celebrated investigative journalist and writer had audiences in stitches in South Africa and the Netherlands!


Ondersteun deur Crispin en Lisa Sonn
Met: Sima Mashazi en Ramon Alexander
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 27 April 10:00 en 14:30, 28 April 12:15 en 15:15 
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Sima Mashazi, oorspronklik van Kwazulu-Natal, en Ramon Alexander, gebore en getoë in die Kaap, smee talente saam om die musikale verskeidenheid van Suid-Afrika en haar mense te vier. Dié tweemanskap lewer kommentaar uit die hart, as individue van verskillende uithoeke van die land én as vriende wie se lewenspaaie verstrengel geraak het. Musiek uit die Suid-Afrikaanse liedjie-skatkis, met ’n spesiale fokus op Kaapstad!


Supported by Crispin and Lisa Sonn
With: Sima Mashazi and Ramon Alexander
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 27 April 10:00 and 14:30, 28 April 12:15 and 15:15 
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Sima Mashazi, originally from Kwazulu-Natal, and Ramon Alexander, born and bred in the Cape, merge their talents to celebrate the musical diversity of South Africa and its people. The duo offers commentary from the heart, both as individuals from different corners of the country, and as friends whose life experiences became intertwined. Music from the canon of South African songs, with a special focus on Cape Town!


Met: Jazzart Dance Theatre
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 30 April 16:45 en 21:15
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

An exciting programme performed by members of the award-winning Jazzart Dance Theatre. The production features vibrant new dance works created for Suidoosterfees by the rising choreographic talents from within the company. Under the artistic direction of Dane Hurst, these talented dancers rise to new heights in a showcase of virtuosity and grace.


With: Jazzart Dance Company
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 30 April 16:45 and 21:15
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

An exciting programme performed by members of the award-winning Jazzart Dance Theatre. The production features vibrant new dance works created for Suidoosterfees by the rising choreographic talents from within the company. Under the artistic direction of Dane Hurst, these talented dancers rise to new heights in a showcase of virtuosity and grace.


Ondersteun deur Simone Myburgh
Met: Roxane Steffen (kontrabas), Petrus Coetzee (altviool) en Ralitza Macheva (viool)
Komponis: Antoni Vivaldi
Verwerking en regie: Roxane Steffen
Taal: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Teater
Datum en tyd: 27 April 11:30 en 16:00, 28 April 13:45 en 16:45
Tydsduur: 21 min
Prys: R21

Beleef al vier seisoene terwyl hierdie uitsonderlike musikante vir jou ’n warrelwind-weergawe van Vivaldi se Vier seisoene bring. Suiwer musikale meesterskap!


Supported by Simone Myburgh
With: Roxane Steffen (double bass), Petrus Coetzee (viola) and Ralitza Macheva (violin)
Composer: Antoni Vivaldi
Director, arrangement: Roxane Steffen
Language: Afr, Eng
Venue: Johann Brink Theatre
Date and time: 27 April 11:30 and 16:00, 28 April 13:45 and 16:45
Duration: 21 min
Price: R21

Experience all four seasons as these exceptional musicians present a whirlwind rendition of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Pure musical mastery.