Feeshoogtepunte | Festival highlights: Internasionale samewerking | International collaboration
Internasionale samewerking

Die Suidoosterfees het in 2024 vier produksies op die program gehad wat deur internasionale samewerking moontlik gemaak is: twee dansproduksies wat gehore van die Edinburg-randfees bekoor het, en twee verhoogdramas uit Nederland.

In 2024, Suidoosterfees presented four productions made possible by international collaboration: two dance shows that vowed audiences at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and two stage plays from the Netherlands.

Papillon, Kanada / Canada

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Die dansteaterproduksie Papillon het Suidoosterfees vanuit Kanada besoek. Die volgende Kanadese instansies het die besoek ondersteun: Danse-Cité, Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal en Diagramme, gestion culturelle.

The dance theatre show Papillon visited Suidoosterfees from Canada. The following Canadese organisations supported the visit: Danse-Cité, Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal and Diagramme, gestion culturelle.

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Papillon is vervaardig deur We All Fall Down Interdisciplinary Creations en die gevierde Helen Simard (links) was die choreograaf, terwyl Roger White (derde) die eksperimentele klankbaan tydens die vertoning regstreeks uitgevoer het.

Papillon was produced by We All Fall Down Interdisciplinary Creations with the celebrated Helen Simard (left) as choreographer, and Roger White (third) who performed the experimental soundtrack live during the show.

A Couple of Humans, Finland

A couple of humans 1

Die Finse egpaar Riikka en Antti Puumalainen was verantwoordelik vir A Couple of Humans, ’n dansproduksie wat kommentaar lewer op die manier waarop tegnologie menslike verhoudings beïnvloed.

The Finnish couple Riikka and Antti Puumalainen was responsible for A Couple of Humans, a dance production exploring the way technology influences human interaction.

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A Couple of Humans is ontwikkel deur die Tsuumi-dansteatergeselskap en hul besoek aan die Suidoosterfees is in Finland ondersteun deur die Art Promotion Center Pirkanmaa, Arts Promotion Center Finland en die Jenny and Antti Wihuri-fonds.

A Couple of Humans was developed by the Tsuumi dance theatre company and their visit to Suidoosterfees was supported in Finland by the Art Promotion Center Pirkanmaa, Arts Promotion Center Finland and the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Fund.

Swart wyn, Nederland / The Netherlands

Swart wyn is in samewerking met Aan Zee Theaterproducties in Afrikaans by die Suidoosterfees aangebied, met die ondersteuning van die Nederlandse Ministerie van Buitelandse Sake, NATi en Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds.

Swart wyn was presented in Afrikaans at Suidoosterfees, in colloboration with Aan Zee Theaterproducties, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NATi and Het Jan Marais Nationale Fonds.

Swart wyn 1

Denise Jannah, die Nederlandse sangeres en aktrise, het die hoofrol in Swart wyn gespeel.

Dutch singer and actress Denise Jannah headed the cast of Swart wyn.

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Swart wyn is gegrond op Vivian Kleynhans, eienaar van Seven Sisters Wines op Stellenbosch, se outobiografie Wanneer water wyn word, en is parallel met die verhaal van die 17de-eeuse historiese figuur, Swarte Maria Evert, aangebied.

Swart wyn is based on Wanneer water wyn word, the autobiography of Vivian Kleynhans, owner of Seven Sisters Wines in Stellenbosch, and draws inspiration from the 17th century historical figure, Zwarte Maria Evert, the first black woman to produce wine from her own vineyard.

Koningstheateracademie, Nederland | The Netherlands

In 2024 is ’n groep studente en alumni van die Koningstheateracademie in Nederland by die Suidoosterfees verwelkom.

In 2024, a group of students and alumni of the Koningstheateracademie in the Netherlands were welcomed at Suidoosterfees.

How to raise our parents 1

Koningstheateracademie-besoekers het saam met studente van Northlink Kollege Minou Bosua se “doku-opera”, How to Raise our Parents, op die planke gebring.

Visitors from the Koningstheateracademie collaborated with students from Northlink College to stage Minou Bosua’s “docu-opera”, How to Raise our Parents.

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How to Raise our Parents het die kollig laat val op die gevolge wat gebrekkige ouerskap vir die samelewing inhou.

How to Raise our Parents engaged with the expectations, strengths and shortcomings of parenthood in a modern era.