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Visuele kuns


een-en-twintig 3
een-en-twintig 2

In 2024 is die Suidoosterfees se visuelekunsprogram moontlik gemaak deur die ondersteuning van BASA, Gallery F, die Helen Suzman Stigting, Well Worn Theatre Company, Kwasha! Theatre Company en vrywilligers van die Brixton Light Festival in Johannesburg.

In 2024, the Suidoosterfees’ visual arts programme was made possible with the support of BASA, Gallery F, the Helen Suzman Foundation, Well Worn Theatre Company, Kwasha! Theatre Company and volunteers from the Brixton Light Festival in Johannesburg.

Onafhanklikheid: Uitstalling | Exhibition

SOF 24 27 April Indepedence 4

Met die fees se mondigwording was konsepte soos volwassenheid en onafhanklikheid ’n gemene deler in aanbiedinge. Twee tentoonstellings, Een-en-twintig en Onafhanklikheid, is onderskeidelik deur Anne-Ghrett Erasmus Coetzee en Carin Bester saamgestel.

With the coming of age of the festival, concepts like adulthood and independence were the common denominator in the presentations. Two exhibitions – Een-en-twintig and Independence – were curated respectively by Anne-Ghrett Erasmus Coetzee and Carin Bester.

SOF 24 27 April Indepedence 2

Vir die Onafhanklikheid-uitstalling is kunstenaars soos Zainab Davids, Willie Bester, Kobus la Grange en Liam van der Heever uitgenooi om deel te neem.

Artists like Zainab Davids, Willie Bester, Kobus la Grange and Liam van den Heever were invited to participate in the Independence exhibition.

Onafhanklikheid: Optreekuns | Performance art

Die tentoonstelling is aangevul met drie optreekunsvertonings: Qondiswa James met The People Should Govern, Eddie Newman en Darion Adams met Blinkers, en Carin Bester met Livestock.

The exhibition was augmented with performances by three artists: Qondiswa James with The People Should Govern, Eddie Newman and Darion Adams with Blinkers, and Carin Bester with Livestock.

The People Should Govern

The people should govern

The People Should Govern het poëtiese gebare as vertrekpunt gebruik om kommunikasie tussen mense te verken.

The People Should Govern utilised poetic gestures as a springboard to explore communication between people.


Blinkers 1

In Blinkers het die kunstenaar Eddie Newman (links) sy ondervinding as perderuiter ingespan om kommentaar te lewer oor magsverhoudings tussen werkgewers en werknemers.

Blinkers 3

In Blinkers, the artist Eddie Newman (right) harnessed his experience as a horse rider to comment on power relations between employers and employees.



In Livestock het Carin Bester die krisis van mensehandel belig.

In Livestock, Carin Bester cast a light on human trafficking.

Paul Alberts: In die skeppende oomblik

In die skeppende oomblik

’n Oorsigtentoonstelling van die fotograaf Paul Alberts se portrette van bekende kunstenaars van die sewentiger- en tagtigerjare is aangebied: Paul Alberts: in die skeppende oomblik is gekurateer deur Melvyn Minnaar en Alberts se weduwee, Charmainé. Die uitstalling by die fees het die fotograaf se werk vir die eerste keer in baie jare in die openbaar gebring.

An overview exhibition by photographer Paul Alberts’ portraits of well-known artists of the 70s and 80s was presented. Paul Alberts in die skeppende oomblik was curated by Melvyn Minnaar and Alberts’ widow, Charmaine. The exhibition at the festival brought the photographer’s work into the public arena for the first time in many years.

Still moving

Still moving

Die Suidoosterfees se jaarlikse foto- en kunsuitstalling wat dansmomente visueel vaslê, Still Moving, is deur Marie Vogts gekurateer en het werke van kunstenaars en fotograwe soos Annehette Troost, Gys Loubser, Lindsey Appolis en Terence Visagie ingesluit.

The Suidoosterfees’ annual photo and art exhibition, Still Moving, that visually captures moments in dance, was curated by Marie Vogts and included works by artists and photographers like Anehette Troost, Gys Laubser, Lindsey Appolis and Terence Visagie.



David Gara, ’n Zimbabwiese immigrant wat as straatkunstenaar ’n bestaan in Johannesburg maak deur beelde van skepe uit herwinbare materiaal te skep, het groot aanklank gevind met Tekwana, ’n optreekunsuitvoering saam met studente van Dance for All. Met Gara se besoek aan die Suidoosterfees het hy vir die eerste keer die see, wat sy werke jare lank reeds inspireer, gesien. Dié spesiale gebeurtenis het vir hartroerende berigte in koerante gesorg.

Tekwana 2

David Gara, a Zimbabwean immigrant who earns his living as a street artist in Johannesburg by creating images of ships out of recyclable material, resonated with the festivalgoers with Tekwana, a performing arts show with students from Dance for All. His visit to the Suidoosterfees afforded Gara the opportunity, for the first time, to see the sea, which has been the inspiration for his work for many years. This special event was the subject of many heartwarming newspaper articles.