Hoërskool Dramafees

In samewerking met Artscape en Stad Kaapstad

’n Dramakompetisie vir hoërskole, waarvan die wenproduksie ’n speelvak by die jaarlikse Suidoosterfees ontvang.

Hoe dit werk: Skole skryf produksies in wat in die Artscape-teaterkompleks voor gehore en profesionele beoordelaars opgevoer word. Wenproduksies word genooi om ingesluit te word op die jaarlikse fees se Jeugteaterprogram.

High School Drama Festival

In partnership with Artscape and the City of Cape Town

A drama competition for high schools, with winning plays staged at the annual Suidoosterfees.

How it works: Schools enter productions to be performed before audiences and professional adjudicators at the Artscape Theatre Centre. Winning plays are invited for performances in the Youth Theatre programme at the annual Suidoosterfees arts festival.