Jakes Gerwel-gesprekke | Discussions

Aangebied deur die Jakes Gerwel Stigting en die ATKV

 In vennootskap met NB-Uitgewers, Jonathan Ball, Penguin Random House SA, Pan Macmillan SA, Naledi, Flyleaf, Protea Boekhuis, Boekdiva, Jacana, Maverick 451, Vriende van Afrikaans en die Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA)


  • Toegang tot die gesprekke is gratis, maar om jou sitplek te verseker, moet jy steeds deur Webtickets bespreek en jou kaartjie by die ingang wys.
  • Boekverkope vind by die venue plaas en skrywers sal na afloop van die sessie boeke teken.
  • Kom vroeg vir ’n gratis koppie koffie en kom deel in die gesprek – voor, tydens en na die tyd.

Presented by the Jakes Gerwel Foundation and ATKV

In partnership with NB Publishers, Jonathan Ball, Penguin Random House SA, Pan Macmillan SA, Naledi, Flyleaf, Protea Books, Boekdiva, Jacana, Maverick 451, Vriende van Afrikaans and The Foundation for Empowerment through Afrikaans (SBA)


  • Entrance to the discussions is free, but to ensure your seat, it is crucial to book your ticket through Webtickets and present it at the door.
  • Books will be on sale at the venue and the authors will sign your copy after the talks.
  • Join us for a cup of coffee – on the house – and be part of the conversations!


In samewerking met Flyleaf en Pan Macmillan
Met: Adriaan Basson, Qaanitah Hunter, Mills Soko en Mia Spies
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 26 April 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

2024 se verkiesing word, bykans soos 1994 s’n, as ’n keerpunt beskou. Wie gaan in die Uniegebou sit nadat die kruisies getel is? Is die opposisie se verwagting dat die ANC uitgestem sal word onrealisties? Is ’n koalisieregering ons voorland en indien wel, wie gaan saam met wie in die bed klim om die leisels oor te neem? Adriaan Basson en Qaanitah Hunter, skrywers van Who will Rule South Africa?, en Mills Soko, medeskrywer van The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, is in gesprek met Jan-Jan Joubert.


In collaboration with Flyleaf and Pan Macmillan SA
With: Adriaan Basson, Qaanitah Hunter, Mills Soko and Mia Spies
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 26 April 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

The 2024 election, almost like 1994, is regarded as a turning point in our history. Who will occupy the Union Buildings after the ballots have been counted? Is the opposition’s expectation that the ANC will be removed from power realistic? Are we heading for a coalition government? If so, who will hop into bed together between the sheets of power? Adriaan Basson and Qaanitah Hunter, authors of Who will Rule South Africa?, as well as Mills Soko, fellow writer of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, are in discussion with Jan-Jan Joubert.


In samewerking met Jonathan Ball
Met: Caster Semenya en Koketso Sachane
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 26 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Die wêreldklas-atleet Caster Semenya is van jongs af reeds in die internasionale kollig. Maar in die afgelope klompie jare is haar sterstatus oorskadu deur genadelose bespiegelinge oor haar vroulikheid. Dit het tot ’n uitgerekte hofgeding gelei oor haar reg om as haarself aan wedlope deel te neem. In 2020 is sy verbied om haar rekord by die Olimpiese Spele te verdedig. Deur dit alles het Caster stilgebly, maar nou is sy gereed om haar swye te verbreek en vertel sy van haar grootwordjare, haar seksualiteit en die stryd om haarself te wees.


In collaboration with Jonathan Ball
With: Caster Semenya and Koketso Sachane
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 26 April 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

World-class athlete Caster Semenya has been in the international limelight from a young age. But in recent years, her stardom has been overshadowed by merciless speculations about her womanhood. This led to a lengthy court case about her right to run as herself. In 2020, she was denied the opportunity to defend her record at the Olympic Games. Through it all, Caster remained quiet, but she is now ready to break her silence and share the story of her upbringing, her sexuality and her fight to be herself.


In samewerking met NB-Uitgewers
Met: Gaireyah Fredericks, Charmaine Africa en Ronelda Kamfer
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 26 April 13:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Gaireyah Fredericks, in 2023 ’n residensieskrywer van PEN en die Jakes Gerwel Stigting, se Afrikaapse kortverhaalbundel, Een voet innie kabr, pols van Kaaps-Maleise invloede. Jy hoor die klanke van dié gemeenskap, musky en soet soes ryke yt die Jannat. Amma is weer die memoires van Charmaine Africa, wat in ’n armoedige, apolitiese familie in Bishop Lavis grootword teen die agtergrond van apartheid. Sy volg in haar ouma en haar ma se voetspore met ’n onwrikbare doel: om haar familie bymekaar te hou terwyl alles uitmekaar val.


In collaboration with NB Publishers
With: Gaireyah Fredericks, Charmaine Africa and Ronelda Kamfer
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 26 April 13:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Een voet innie kabr, the Cape Afrikaans short story collection by Gaireyah Fredericks, a former writer’s resident of PEN and the Jakes Gerwel Foundation, pulsates with Cape Malay influences. You can hear the sounds of this community, musky and sweet like smells from the Jannat. Amma is the memoirs of Charmaine Africa, who grew up in a poor, apolitical family in Bishop Lavis against the backdrop of apartheid. She follows in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother with an unshakeable purpose: to keep her family together while everything falls apart.


In samewerking met NB-Uitgewers
Met: Nathan Trantraal en Julian Jansen
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 26 April 14:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

In 2018 het Trantraal die Jan Rabie en Majorie Wallace-skrywersbeurs ontvang om te werk aan sy grafiese roman Die man wattie kinnes vang. Dit handel oor Damian de Jong wat sy grootwordjare in die Wes-Kaap herroep. Op dieselfde sandduine waar hy as kind gespeel het, het die reeksmoordenaar The Railway Ripper bruin seuns vermoor en in vlak grafte begrawe. Die man wattie kinnes vang gaan oore spesifieke tyd innie Cape Flats, ennie land, se geskiedenis tewyl it oek kommentaar lewer oo ôs hede.


In collaboration with NB Publishers
With: Nathan Trantraal and Julian Jansen
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 26 April 14:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

In 2018, Trantraal received the Jan Rabie and Majorie Wallace writer’s bursary to work on his graphic novel Die man wattie kinnes vang. It is the story of Damian de Jong, who recalls his childhood years in the Western Cape. On the very same sand dunes where he played as a boy, the serial killer known as The Railway Ripper killed Coloured boys and buried them in shallow graves. Die man wattie kinnes vang covers a specific historical period in the Cape Flats and the country’s history, while also commenting on our present reality.


Met: Roelf Meyer, Francis Petersen, Naidene Lottering en Jody Hendricks
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 27 April 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Dertig jaar gelede het die meerderheid Suid-Afrikaners vir die eerste keer die reg gehad om hul stem te laat hoor. In hierdie gesprek neem meningvormers bestek op van wat oor die jare bereik is en waarin ons klaaglik misluk het. Wat is die toekoms van ons relatief jong demokrasie en wat is die slaggate waarvoor ons moet uitkyk vorentoe?


With: Roelf Meyer, Francis Petersen, Naidene Lottering and Jody Hendricks
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 27 April 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Thirty years ago, the majority of South Africans won the right to vote for the first time. In this conversation, influential commentators take stock of successes over the last couple of years, and they also point out our most dismal failures. What does the future hold for our relatively young democracy and what are the potholes to be avoided?


In samewerking met NB-Uitgewers
Met: Fiona van Kerwel en Thérèse Hulme
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 27 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Die letterkunde blom, ook vir jong lesers. Skrywers ken hulle mark en weet hoe om stories op te dis wat tot lesers spreek.  Fiona van Kerwel se versamelbundel Leë blikkies vol liefde en ander verhale spreek tot jong lesers. Maar as ’n mens kyk na die geletterdheidskrisis in die land, wonder jy of kinders werklik lees. Of is die leserstal besig om te klim soos wat die boeke meer word? Thérèse Hulme, skrywer van Praat jy! en fasiliteerder van die Jakes Gerwel Stigting se narratiewe leerprojek vir leerders van die Kaapse Vlakte, lei die gesprek.


In collaboration with NB Publishers
With: Fiona van Kerwel and Thérèse Hulme
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 27 April 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Literature is flourishing, also for young readers. Writers are in tune with their markets and know what to dish up. Fiona van Kerwel’s collection Leë blikkies vol liefde en ander verhale appeals to young readers. But if you look at the literacy crisis in the country, you may well ask: Do children really read enough? Or are the number of readers growing as more books are published? Thérèse Hulme, author of My word! and facilitator of the Jakes Gerwel Foundation’s narrative learning initiative in the Cape Flats, leads the discussion.


In samewerking met Pan Macmillan SA
Met: Salim S. Abdool Karim en Angelique Coetzee
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 27 April 13:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Salim S. Abdool Karim het ’n bekende gesig geword tydens die COVID-19-pandemie. Hierdie gerekende epidemioloog het grondverskuiwende navorsing oor MIV gedoen en was ’n leidende wetenskaplike raadgewer in Suid-Afrika se reaksie op die pandemie. Watter kontroversiële besluite is in hierdie onsekere tye agter die skerms geneem? Wat is die lesse wat ons geleer het en hoe kan die wetenskap ons help om die wêreld se grootste uitdagings aan te pak?


In collaboration with PanMacmillan SA
With: Salim S Abdool Karim and Angelique Coetzee
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 27 April 13:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Salim S Abdool Karim became a familiar face during the COVID-19 pandemic. This respected epidemiologist conducted ground-breaking research on HIV and was a leading scientific adviser during South Africa’s response to the pandemic. What controversial decisions were made behind the scenes in this uncertain period? Did we learn important lessons, and how can science help us counter the world’s most daunting challenges?


In samewerking met Boekdiva
Met: Phoebe Gerwel, Rachelle Greeff en Haidee Muller-Isaacs
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 27 April 14:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

In haar aangrypende memoir herroep Phoebe Gerwel herinneringe van haar grootwordjare in Grassy Park, asook die ontmoeting met die skrander jong plattelandse man in Adam Small se filosofieklas. Min het sy toe geweet watter draaie haar lewe sou loop met dié belese man wat later ’n groot rol sou speel in die land se oorgangstydperk na 1994. Maar aan die donker kant van die opwindende lewe van internasionale reise en ontmoetings met staatshoofde, voer Phoebe ’n lewenslange stryd teen bipolêre gemoedsteuring.


In collaboration with Boekdiva
With: Phoebe Gerwel, Rachelle Greeff and Haidee Muller-Isaacs
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 27 April 14:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

In her captivating memoir, Phoebe Gerwel remembers her childhood years in Grassy Park, as well as her encounter with the bright young rural fellow in Adam Small’s Philosophy class. Little did she know what turns her life would take at the side of the erudite man who would eventually play a leading role in the country’s transition to democracy. However, in the shadows of an exciting life of travels all over the world and meetings with heads of state, Phoebe was caught in a life-long battle with bipolar disorder.


In samewerking met Jonathan Ball
Met: Roy Havemann, Tessa Dooms en Dennis Davis
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 28 April 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Staatskaping het Suid-Afrika laat shut down. Maar hoekom kan niemand ons reboot nie? Ons is immers nie die eerste land wat homself in ’n penarie bevind nie. Andere kon uit die puin herrys, terwyl ons in die as bly ploeter. Roy Havemann, hoof van ’n internasionale navorsingsmaatskappy wat gekonsulteer word deur private maatskappye en die Wêreldbank, sê die antwoorde skuil in ses dinge: Eskom, opvoeding, die omgewing, uitvoere, gelykheid en etiek. Kom luister en praat saam.


In collaboration with Jonathan Ball
With: Roy Havemann, Tessa Dooms and Dennis Davis
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 28 April 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

State capture led to South Africa’s shutdown. But why can’t we reboot? After all, we are not the first country to find itself in such a mess. Others raised themselves from the ruins, while we just plod on. Roy Havemann, head of international research companies who serve as consultants for private companies and the World Bank, says the answer lies in six areas: Eskom, education, the environment, exports, equality and ethics. Join in on the conversation.


In samewerking met SBA
Met: Belinda Kruiper en Lyntjie Jaars
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 28 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Om die aandag op Suid-Afrika se eerste nasie te vestig, het die SBA ’n lekkerleesboek oor die Kalahari-Boesmans uitgegee. Kalahari-waarheid handel oor die lewe van Belinda Kruiper wat in 1997 as ontvangsdame by die Kgalagadi-oorgrenspark begin werk het. Elana Bregin is die medeskrywer van hierdie uitsonderlike boek. Belinda het die Boesmans se vertroue gewen, hulle met grondeise bygestaan, met die bekende kunstenaar Vetkat getrou en was ook werksaam by die Suid-Afrikaanse San-instituut. Tipiese Kalahari-stories wat om kampvure vertel word oor leeus en jakkalse, die nimmereindigende duine en nagkoue uitspansel, kom treffend aan die bod.


Presented by SBA
With: Belinda Kruiper and Lyntjie Jaars
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 28 April 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

To focus the spotlight on South Africa’s first nation, the SBA published a collection of beautiful tales told by the Kalahari Bushmen. Kalahari-waarheid tells the story of Belinda Kruiper, who started her career as a receptionist at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in 1997. Elana Bregin is the co-author of this remarkable book. Belinda subsequently gained the trust of the Bushmen, supported them with land claims, married the well-known artist Vetkat, and worked at the South African San Institute. Typical campfire Kalahari stories about the lion and the jackal, the ever-waving dunes, and the starry firmament will be told like you’ve never heard it before.


In samewerking met NB-Uitgewers
Met: Wisani Mushwana, Megan Choritz, Alistair Mackay en Lebo Mazibuko
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 28 April 13:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Liefde, verlies, trauma en die soeke na jouself en ander – dít is wat in die strate van stede gebeur en in boeke neerslag vind. Wisani Mushwana (Soft Landing), Megan Choritz (Lost Property) en Alistair Mackay (It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way) gesels met Lebo Mazibuko, voormalige deelnemer aan die Jakes Gerwel Stigting se mentorskapprogram en die skrywer van Bantu Knots.


In collaboration with NB Publishers
With: Wisani Mushwana, Megan Choritz, Alistair Mackay and Lebo Mazibuko
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 28 April 13:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Love, loss, trauma and the search for the self and others – this is what happens in city streets and are eventually portrayed in books. Wisani Mushwana (Soft Landing), Megan Choritz (Lost Property) and Alistair Mackay (It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way) talk to Lebo Mazibuko, former attendee of the Jakes Gerwel Foundation’s mentorship programme and author of Bantu Knots.


In samewerking met Naledi
Met: Jody Hendricks, Marlene Mahokoto, Melene Rossouw en Bernard Lategan
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 28 April 14:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Geweld teen vroue in Suid-Afrika het handuit geruk. In die werkplek, tuis en in sosiale ruimtes – oral word vroue verbaal en fisies aangeval. In die meeste gevalle is dit mans wat geweld in verskeie vorme teen vroue pleeg. Maar selfs met inisiatiewe soos die sestien dae van aktivisme swyg die meeste mans. Hoe breek ons hierdie ketting van stilte en geweld?


In collaboration with Naledi
With: Jody Hendricks, Marlene Mahokoto, Melene Rossouw and Bernard Lategan
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 28 April 14:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Violence against women is a pandemic in South African society. At home, in the workplace and in social spaces – women are subject to verbal and physical assault everywhere. In most cases men are the perpetrators of violence against women in all its horrific guises. But even during initiatives such as the sixteen days of activism, the silence of men is deafening. How do we stop the cycle of silent complicity and abuse?


In samewerking met Penguin Random House SA
Met: Matthew Blackman, Nick Dall en Dennis Cruywagen
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 29 April 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Die wittebrood van die Madiba-era is al lankal verby en te midde van korrupsie en gebrekkige leierskap sukkel Suid-Afrikaners om positief te bly. Maar in hierdie gesprek kyk ons terug na Mzansi se verskilmakers waarop ons almal trots kan wees. Van Koning Moshoeshoe, Olive Schreiner, Gandhi, Eugène Marais, Sol Plaatje, Miriam Makeba tot Steve Biko en Thuli Madonsela. Om maar net ’n paar te noem!


In collaboration with Penguin Random House SA
With: Matthew Blackman, Nick Dall and Dennis Cruywagen
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 29 April 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

The honeymoon of the Madiba era is long gone, and with corruption and weak leadership all over, South Africans struggle to remain positive. But in this discussion, we look back at Mzansi’s gamechangers whom we can all be proud of. From King Moshoeshoe, Olive Schreiner, Gandhi, Eugène Marais, Sol Plaatje and Miriam Makeba to Steve Biko and Thuli Madonsela – to name but a few!


In samewerking met Pan Macmillan SA en Jonathan Ball
Met: Arthur Goldstuck, Fred Roed, Kerushan Govender en Kieno Kammies
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 29 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Vir baie mense is kunsmatige intelligensie (KI) ’n vreesaanjaende konsep van rekenaars wat die mensdom gaan oorneem. Arthur Goldstuck, skrywer van The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence, en Kerushan Govender, skrywer van Age of Agency, neem die voortou van KI in alle besigheidsektore en die samelewing oor die wêreld heen, en kom gesels saam met ander kenners oor wat hierdie fenomeen werklik is en hoe ons dit tot ons voordeel kan inspan.


In collaboration with Pan Macmillan SA and Jonathan Ball
With: Arthur Goldstuck, Fred Roed, Kerushan Govender and Kieno Kammies
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 29 April 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Many people harbour visions of artificial intelligence (AI) as a monstrous conspiracy in which computers take over humanity. Arthur Goldstuck, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence and Kerushan Govender, author of Age of Agency, are at the helm of exploring AI’s remarkable potential in all business sectors and in societies the world over. They will discuss this phenomenon with other leaders in the field and explain how we can use it to our advantage.


In samewerking met Vriende van Afrikaans
Met: Diana Ferrus, Anzil Kulsen, André Hendricks en Chareldine van der Merwe
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 29 April 14:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Hierdie Ommietafel-gesprek fokus op sake wat mans en vroue in ons gemeenskap raak, en die rol wat boeke speel om ons te help om die wêreld beter te verstaan. Chareldine van der Merwe vra die skrywers Diana Ferrus en Anzil Kulsen en die motiveringspreker André Hendricks uit oor die verantwoordelikhede wat ouerskap meebring. Nou, meer as ooit, is dit belangrik dat mans hul plek in gemeenskappe op ’n verantwoordelike manier inneem, terwyl vroue se bydrae tot nasiebou nooit onderskat mag word nie. Die kollig val ook op die kardinale funksie wat boeke speel om sin te maak van die dikwels pynlike werklikhede wat ons in die gesig staar, en hoe probleme in uitdagings omskep kan word.


In collaboration with Vriende van Afrikaans
With: Diana Ferrus, Anzil Kulsen, André Hendricks and Chareldine van der Merwe
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 29 April 14:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

This roundtable discussion focuses on issues affecting men and women in our communities, and the role books play in helping us better understand the world. Chareldine van der Merwe is in conversation with authors Diana Ferrus and Anzil Kulsen, and motivational speaker André Hendricks about the responsibilities associated with parenthood. Now, more than ever, it is important that men assume their responsibilities in communities in an accountable manner, while the contribution of women to nation building should never be underestimated. The important function of books in helping us face and make sense of often painful realities, and the way it empowers us to turn problems into challenges, are also highlighted.


In samewerking met Jonathan Ball, Jacana en Maverick 451
Met: Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw, Caryn Dolley en Jeremy Vearey
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 30 April 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

In die underbelly van die poskaartmooi Kaapstad met sy berg en strande woed daar oorloë. Gesoute joernaliste en skrywers Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw en Caryn Dolley vlek verskeie misdade, organisasies en sindikate oop wat dood en verwoesting saai in een van die wêreld se mooiste stede.


In collaboration with Jonathan Ball, Jacana and Maverick 451
With: Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw, Caryn Dolley and Jeremy Vearey
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 30 April 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

In the underbelly of picturesque Cape Town with its iconic mountain and beaches, wars are being waged. Renowned journalists and writers Mark Shaw, Rehana Rossouw and Caryn Dolley shed light on crimes, organisations and syndicates responsible for death and destruction in one of the world’s most beautiful cities.


In samewerking met Protea Boekhuis
Met: Pieter Odendaal en Herschelle Benjamin
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 30 April 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Droomwerk is ’n toneelstuk oor “die konstante soeke na identiteit en waar ons inpas in die samelewing. En hoe ’n mens trauma uit die verlede kan verwerk.” Bekroonde digter en dramaturg Pieter Odendaal delf in sy familiegeskiedenis. Hy verken sy herkoms as ’n wit Afrikaanssprekende man met slawe as voorouers. Die hoofkarakters in Droomwerk is losweg gegrond op sy oupa (’n apartheid-senator in die jare sewentig) en sy stammoeder, Diana van Madagaskar, die 17de-eeuse slavin wat haar dogter Susanna moes weggee aan die Europeërs.


In collaboration with Protea Books
With: Pieter Odendaal and Herschelle Benjamin
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 30 April 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Droomwerk is a play about “the constant search for identity and the way we fit into society. And how we can process trauma from the past”. Award-winning poet and playwright Pieter Odendaal delves into his family history, exploring his descent as a white Afrikaans-speaking man with slaves as ancestors. The main characters of Droomwerk are loosely based on his grandfather (an apartheid senator in the 70s), and his ancestral grandmother, Diana van Madagascar, the 17th-century slave who had to give her daughter to the Europeans.


In samewerking met Jonathan Ball
Met: Jonathan Ancer en Lester Kiewit
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 1 Mei 10:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Mites, verdraaide waarhede en blatante leuens is alles bestanddele in die manier waarop ons die land se geskiedenis oorvertel. Jonathan Ancer het gesels met geskiedkundiges tot kroegvlieë om agter die kap van die byl te kom van die fassinerende stories wat ons graag as die waarheid wil glo.


In collaboration with Jonathan Ball
With: Jonathan Ancer and Lester Kiewit
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 1 May 10:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Myths, alternative truths and blatant lies are part and parcel of narratives on South Africa’s history. To get to the truth behind the fascinating stories we have always accepted as gospel, Jonathan Ancer spoke to many people, from historians to barflies.


In samewerking met Jonathan Ball
Met: Tessa Dooms, Lynsey Ebony Chutel en Ingrid Jones
Taal: Eng
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 1 Mei 11:30
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Nie swart óf wit genoeg nie; sonder ’n eie kultuur en geskiedenis … In hierdie gesprek word sulke perspektiewe op hul kop gedraai. Die sprekers kyk na die komplekse geskiedenis van bruin mense in die konteks van kolonialisme, slawerny en apartheid. Maar dié besinning oor identiteit is ook ’n viering van ’n ryke erfenis, ’n uitnodiging om trots te wees en ’n wekroep om te besef watter onmisbare rol bruin mense in die toekoms van die land speel.


In collaboration with Jonathan Ball
With: Tessa Dooms, Lynsey Ebony Chutel and Ingrid Jones
Language: Eng
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 1 May 11:30
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

Not black enough, nor white enough, and without an authentic culture and history … In this discussion, such perceptions are turned upside down. The speakers examine the complex history of Coloured people in the wake of colonialism, slavery and apartheid. But Coloured identity is also a celebration of a rich heritage, an invitation to be proud, and a wake-up call to realise the vitally important role of Coloured people in the future of the country.


Jakes Gerwel-herdenkingsgeleentheid
Met: Melt Myburgh, Earl-Ray Basson, Rene Arendse, Giep van Zyl en Martelize Brink
Taal: Afr
Venue: ATKV-Innovasiespasie
Datum en tyd: 1 Mei 16:00
Tydsduur: 60 min
Prys: Gratis, bespreek deur Webtickets

Die 100-jarige viering van Afrikaans as ’n amptelike landstaal word vir 2025 beplan. Terwyl sommige al feesvure wil aansteek, voel ander hulle word nogmaals uitgesluit en generasies se deelname in die totstandkoming van die taal word misken. Afrikaans word immers al veel langer gepraat as die amptelike erkenning daarvan deur wit heersers. Hoe oud is die taal werklik? En maak dit saak? Kan ons ons liefde vir Afrikaans vier sonder om ’n ouderdom daaraan te koppel?


Jakes Gerwel Commemoration
With: Melt Myburgh, Earl-Ray Basson, Rene Arendse, Giep van Zyl and Martelize Brink
Language: Afr
Venue: ATKV Innovation Lounge
Date and time: 1 May 16:00
Duration: 60 min
Price: Free, book with Webtickets

A centenary to commemorate the status of Afrikaans as an official language is being planned for 2025. While some can’t wait to stoke the festival fires, others feel excluded yet again, as generations of speakers who helped to shape the language are being sidelined. Afrikaans was spoken long before white rulers gave it an official stamp. How old is the language exactly, and does it matter? Can we celebrate our love for the language without an age tag?