Van Suid-Afrika se beste dramaturge, akteurs en regisseurs, asook belowende ontluikende kunstenaars wat deelgeneem het aan die Suidoosterfees se opleidings- en ontwikkelingsprojekte, is genooi om deel te neem aan LitNet se Stemme | Voices | Amazwi, aangebied oor drie jaar van 2021 tot 2023, in vennootskap met die Suidoosterfees en verskeie borge. Tekste en video’s van dié kort, kragtige monoloë en dialoë is beskikbaar op LitNet in Afrikaans, Engels, isiXhosa, SeSotho en isiZulu. In 2022 is die projek deur kykNET met ’n Blou Fiësta-toekenning bekroon vir innovering en die skep van werksgeleenthede tydens Covid.
Geniet die produksies hier onder, en as jy ’n dosent, onderwyser of navorser is, is jy welkom om die materiaal te gebruik.
Some of the country’s leading playwrights, actors and producers, as well as promising new artists who have received training through the Suidoosterfees development projects, were invited to participate in LitNet’s Stemme | Voices | Amazwi, presented over three years, from 2021 to 2023, in partnership with Suidoosterfees and various sponsors. Texts and videos of the short, powerful monologues and dialogues are available on LitNet in Afrikaans, English, Xhosa, Sotho and Zulu. In 2022, kykNET awarded the project a Blue Fiësta for innovation and the creation of job opportunities during Covid.
Enjoy them below, and if you are a lecturer, teacher or researcher, please feel free to use the material.
10 Afrikaanse monoloë / 10 Afrikaans monologues
15 monoloë in Afrikaans, Engels, isiXhosa, SeSotho en isiZulu
15 monologues in Afrikaans, English, isiXhosa, SeSotho and isiZulu
10 Afrikaanse dialoë / 10 Afrikaans dialogues
Stemme | Voices | Amazwi is moontlik gemaak deur
Stemme | Voices | Amazwi was made possible by