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Vyf jong skrywers gekeur vir NATi Jong Sterre

Vyf aspirant-dramaturge is gekeur om deel te neem aan NATi Jong Sterre, die ontwikkelingsprojek wat jaarliks deur Suidoosterfees, die Jakes Gerwel Stigting, Artscape en die Afrikaanse Nasionale Teaterinisiatief (NATi) aangebied word. Dié jong stemme deurloop ’n uitgebreide opleidingsprogram waartydens hulle skryfwerk ontwikkel en afgerond word. Die verhoogtekste word dan omskep in professionele produksies wat in 2024 by die 21ste Suidoosterfees gaan debuteer.
Die vyf kandidate wat uit byna 50 aansoeke deur ’n paneel kundiges gekeur is, is Geralt Cloete, Miliswa Mbandazayo, Miché van Wyk, Cara Rossouw en Mikayla Joy Brown. Almal het tersiêre drama-opleiding agter die blad, en die Jong Sterre-projek gee hulle ’n gulde geleentheid om ’n professionele voet in die deur te kry.
Suidoosterfees website(1)
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Five young playwrights selected as NATi Rising Stars

Five aspiring playwrights were selected for participation in the NATi Risings Stars development project, annually presented by Suidoosterfees, the Jakes Gerwel Foundation, Artscape and the Afrikaans National Theatre Initiative (NATi). These new voices will attend an extended mentorship programme to refine their new drama texts, which will also be developed into professional stage productions that will debut at the 21st Suidoosterfees arts festival in 2024.
The candidates who were selected from almost 50 applicants by a panel of experts, are Geralt Cloete, Miliswa Mbandazayo, Miché van Wyk, Cara Rossouw and Mikayla Joy Brown. All of them are graduates from tertiary institutions and the Rising Stars project will help them to launch professional careers as theatre practitioners.

Geralt Cloete

Geralt Cloete het ’n meestersgraad in drama aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand behaal, en hy het al ’n SAFTA-toekenning ontvang vir die werk wat hy as stilis en kostumeerder vir ’n TV-komedie gedoen het.

Geralt Cloete

Geralt Cloete holds a masters degree from Wits University. He received a SAFTA award for work he has done as a stylist and costumer on a TV sitcom.

Miliswa Mbandazayo

As teatermaker het Miliswa Mbandazayo in 2021 aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad gegradueer. Sy is ’n skrywer en aktrise, en was assistent-verhoogbestuurder van Die Sewe Doodsondes wat verlede jaar by die Toyota US Woordfees opgevoer is. Miliswa het ook as verhoogbestuurder saam met die geselskap van Black Girl Live 2021 deur Spanje en Frankryk getoer.
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Miliswa Mbandazayo

The theatre maker Miliswa Mbandazayo is a graduate of the University of Cape Town. She is a writer, actress and acted as assistant stage manager for Die Sewe Doodsondes, performed at the Toyota SU Woordfees last year. Miliswa toured Spain and France as stage manager of the production Black Girl Live 2021.

Miché van Wyk

Miché van Wyk was vanjaar op die Suidoosterfeesverhoog in die drama Jantjies and the Pearls. Haar vertolking van Ruth Jantjies het twee prysbenoemings meegebring. In 2022 is sy tydens die Première Toneelfees op Stellenbosch as beste aktrise genomineer, en vanjaar het sy ’n Fleur du Cap-nominasie as belowendste student ontvang. Miché het ’n honneursgraad in kabaret by Maties verwerf.
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Miché van Wyk

Miché van Wyk shined on the Suidoosterfees stage earlier this year in the drama Jantjies and the Pearls. Her portrayal of Ruth Jantjies earned her two prize nominations. Last year, at the Première Drama Festival in Stellenbosch, she was nominated as best actress, and in 2023 she received a Fleur du Cap nomination as most promising student. Miché holds an honours degree in cabaret from Stellenbosch University.

Cara Rossouw

Cara Rossouw het ook ’n honneursgraad in kabaret op haar kerfstok. Verskeie kabaretproduksies het sedert 2021 uit haar pen verskyn en is onder regie van teatermakers soos Nicole Holm, Petrus du Preez en Frieda van den Heever opgevoer. Sy het aan die Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof op Stellenbosch gematrikuleer.
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Cara Rossouw

Cara Rossouw, who also has an honours degree in cabaret, wrote various scripts that were directed by theatre makers such as Nicole Holm, Petrus du Preez and Frieda van den Heever. Cara matriculated at Bloemhof Girls’ High in Stellenbosch.

Mikayla Joy Brown

Mikayla Joy Brown het grade in drama en kreatiewe skryfwerk, en was verantwoordelik vir die teks van Jantjies and the Pearls waarin Miché van Wyk gespeel het. Mikayla het vanjaar met die Fleur du Cap as belowendste student weggestap. In 2021 is sy as beste ondersteunende aktrise by die Première Toneelfees aangewys.
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Mikayla Joy Brown

Mikayla Joy Brown has degrees in drama and creative writing, ans she penned the play Jantjies and the Pearls in which Miché van Wyk acted. This year Mikayla walked away with a Fleur du Cap award as most promising student. In 2021 the Première Drama Festival honoured her as best supporting actress.
Dié groep talentvolle jongelinge sal binnekort ’n skrywersverblyf van drie weke in die Jakes Gerwel Stigting se Paulet Huis op Somerset-Oos bywoon. Die aktrise Lee-Ann van Rooi, wat gehore vroeër vanjaar by die Suidoosterfees gaande gehad het met haar spel in The Woman Who Fed the Dogs, sal as teksmentor optree. Sodra die tekste blink geslyp is, sal Rafiek Mammon die proses om dit as volwaardige verhoogproduksies, gereed vir Suidoosterfees 2024, deursien.
Sedert die NATi Jong Sterre-inisiatief in 2019 in die lewe geroep is, het nuwelinge soos Kanya Viljoen, Herschelle Benjamin, Stephren Saayman en Melissa Myburgh gehore reg oor die land beïndruk met die werk wat hulle tot stand gebring het.
Vir meer inligting, kontak Faren Esau by
Later this year, the group of talented youngsters will attend a writers’ residency of three weeks at the Jakes Gerwel Foundation’s Paulet House in Somerset East. The actress Lee-Ann van Rooi, who recently captivated Suidoosterfees audiences with her star performance in The Woman Who Fed the Dogs, will act as writing mentor. Once the texts are finalised, Rafiek Mammon will oversee the process of turning them into professional stage productions, ready for Suidoosterfees 2024.
Since the NATi Rising Stars initiative was launched in 2019, new theatre voices like Kanya Viljoen, Herschelle Benjamin, Stephren Saayman and Melissa Myburgh has impressed audiences with stunning new work.
For more information, contact Faren Esau at