Visuele kuns | Visual art


Kunstenaars: Louis Jansen van Vuuren, Marieke Prinsloo, Michele Nigrini, Alisa Farr, Estelle Marais, Paula van Coller, Anton Brink, Kobus Coetzee, Shui-Lyn White, Susan Grundling, Gustav Bester, Sandra Hanekom en ander
Kurator: Anne-Ghrett Erasmus Coetzee
Gedurende die fees in Artscape-foyers

Tydens die Suidoosterfees se 21ste verjaarsdag deel 21 kunstenaars hulle “rykdom en skoonhede” (Uys Krige) met ons. As inspirasie word stip gekyk na Jan Rabie se kortverhaalbundel 21, wat in 1956 die Afrikaanse literêre landskap onherroeplik verander het. In Jan Rabie se woorde word feesgangers uitgenooi om hierdie uitstalling van hul gevoelens te laat besitneem “soos ’n huwelik vol vreemde, gefluisterde betekenis.”
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Artists: Louis Jansen van Vuuren, Marieke Prinsloo, Michele Nigrini, Alisa Farr, Estelle Marais, Paula van Coller, Anton Brink, Kobus Coetzee, Shui-Lyn White, Susan Grundling, Gustav Bester, Sandra Hanekom and others
Curator: Anne-Ghrett Erasmus Coetzee
During the festival in Artscape foyers

To celebrate Suidoosterfees’ 21st birthday, 21 artists share their creative abundance and beauty with us. Jan Rabie’s short story collection 21, which changed the Afrikaans literary landscape dramatically in 1956, serves as inspiration. Festivalgoers are invited, in Rabie’s words, to allow this exhibition to fill them with “strange, whispered meanings”.


Visuele kunstenaars: Zainab Davids, Willie Bester, Kobus la Grange en Liam van der Heever
Kurator: Carin Bester
Gedurende die fees in die Artscape-foyers

’n Multimedia-uitstalling wat visuele en vertoonkuns kombineer. Die kunstenaars gee uitdrukking aan hul siening en ondervinding van die begrip onafhanklikheid. Wat is onafhanklikheid? Vryheid van beheer, invloed, ondersteuning of hulp van ander? Onafhanklikheid is ’n mensereg. Tog is die vraag: is ons werklik onafhanklik en geniet ons volwaardige menseregte in Suid-Afrika en in die wêreld?
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Visual artists: Zainab Davids, Willie Bester, Kobus la Grange and Liam van der Heever
Curator: Carin Bester
During festival in the Artscape foyer

A multi-media exhibition combining visual and performance art. The artists express their views and experiences of the concept of independence. What is independence? Freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like of others? Independence is a human right. The question however is, do we have true independence and human rights in South Africa and around the world?



Ondersteun deur NATi
Qondiswa James
Datum en tyd: 26 April 19:00, 28 April 15:30, 30 April 16:00
Venue: Piazza
Tydsduur: 20 min
Prys: Gratis

In hierdie vertoonkuns-aanbieding verteenwoordig die tragiese hanswors die skimme van mense wat deur die stelsel onsigbaar gelaat is. Dié onsigbaarheid word nou ’n mantel waarmee die hanswors dwaal, op soek na bevryde ruimtes binne ’n landskap waar die staat jou oral dophou – daar waar dit dalk moontlik is om mekaar raak te sien. Deur poëtiese gebare van solidariteit probeer die bekroonde kunstenaar en aktivis Qondiswa James ’n manier vind waarop ons met mekaar kan praat, oor ons.
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Supported by NATi
Qondiswa James
Date and time: 26 April 19:00, 28 April 15:30, 30 April 16:00
Venue: Piazza
Duration: 20 min
Price: Free

In this performance art piece, the tragic clown, the ghost representing those who are made invisible by the system, reappropriates this invisibility as a cloak for haunting. Searching for liberated zones inside the matrix of state surveillance where it may be possible to ‘see each other’. With poetic gestures of solidarity, award-winning artists and activist Qondiswa James tries to find a way for us to speak to each other about us.


Ondersteun deur NATi
Eddie Newman en Darion Adams
Datum en tyd: 28 April 13:00, 29 April 20:30, 1 Mei 19:00
Venue: Piazza
Tydsduur: 20 min
Prys: Gratis

Belemmer deur die oogklappe wat hy gedwing word om te dra.
Eddie Newman se ondervindinge as ruiter in die perdebedryf het dié vertoonkuns-aanbieding geïnspireer om die magswanbalans tussen werkgewer en werknemer te verken. Die krag van fisieke uitdrukking word ingespan om te besin oor onderdrukking, klasongelykheid en die individu se stryd om deur ingeperkte horisonne te breek. Newman vier diversiteit en kultuur terwyl weerstand in sy aanbieding opklink.
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Supported by NATi
Eddie Newman and Darion Adams
Date and time: 28 April 13:00, 29 April 20:30, 1 May 19:00
Venue: Piazza
Duration: 20 min
Price: Free

Hampered by the blinkers he is forced to wear.
Eddie Newman’s experiences as a rider in the equine industry inspired this performance art piece that explores the unequal power dynamics between employer and employee. Harnessing the power of physical expression, he reflects on oppression, class inequality and the individual’s struggle to break through restricted horizons. Newman celebrates diversity and culture while advocating resistance.


Ondersteun deur NATi
Carin Bester
Datum en tyd: 27 April 17:30, 29 April 21:30, 1 Mei 13:30
Venue: Piazza
Tydsduur: 20 min
Prys: Gratis

Mensehandel is die wêreld se snelgroeiendste bedryf, met jaarlikse profyt van ongeveer R2,8 triljoen. Dit maak geen onderskeid tussen geslag, ouderdom of ras nie, en dit raak sowat 40 miljoen slagoffers in elke land. Met hierdie optredekunsinstallasie laat Carin Bester die kollig val op dié wêreldwye humanitêre krisis.
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Supported by NATi
Carin Bester
Date and time: 27 April 17:30, 29 April 21:30, 1 May 13:30
Venue: Piazza
Duration: 20 min
Price: Free

Human trafficking is the fastest growing industry in the world, with an annual global profit around R2,8 trillion. It does not discriminate between gender, age or race and takes place in every country, and affects approximately 40 million victims. With this performance piece, Carin Bester aims to create awareness about this global humanitarian crisis.


Saamgestel deur: Charmainé Alberts
Aangebied in medewerking met: Melvyn Minnaar
Gallery F-verteenwoordiger: Gavin Furlonger
Gedurende die fees in Artscape-foyers

Die fotograaf Paul Alberts wat in 2010 oorlede is, het hom in die sewentiger- en tagtigerjare daaraan toegewy om die groot geeste van Suid-Afrikaanse kuns in hul skeppende oomblikke te dokumenteer. Hierdie tentoonstelling, ’n tydige herbesoek aan sy kuns, gee ’n dinamiese oorsig van die kultuurbedryf destyds. Talle foto’s het in sy 1979-boek In Kamera verskyn. Kom waardeer die klassieke self-opdrag van ’n groot fotograaf wat ’n unieke klomp kunstenaars voor sy lens vasgevang het.
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Compiled by: Charmainé Alberts
Presented in collaboration with: Melvyn Minnaar
Gallery F representative: Gavin Furlonger
During the festival in the Artscape foyers

Photographer Paul Alberts, who passed away in 2010, dedicated himself in the 70s and 80s to capturing great South African artists in their moments of creativity. This exhibition revisits his art and offers a dynamic overview of the cultural industry of a bygone era. Many of the photographs were included in his 1979 publication In Kamera. Join us in appreciation of a great photographer’s classical personal assignent to capture a number of unique artists with his camera lens.


Kunstenaars: Annehette Troost, Gys Loubser, Lindsey Appolis, Terence Visagie en ander
Kurator: Marie Vogts
Gedurenende die fees in Artscape-foyers

Suidoosterfees se jaarlikse foto- en kunsuitstalling wat dansmomente visueel vasvang. Saam met hierdie uitstalling waarin beweging in tyd gevries word, kom deel dansorganisasies, skole en geselskappe hul wêrelde met feesgangers. Kom meer te wete oor die dansbedryf of, as jou voete vir niks verkeerd staan nie, sluit selfs aan!
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Artist: Annehette Troost, Gys Loubser, Lindsey Appolis, Terence Visagie and other
Curator: Marie Vogts
During the festival in the Artscape foyers

The festival’s annual art and photographic exhibition that captures dance movements visually in a split second. In addition to the exhibition, members of dance organisations, schools and companies share their worlds with festivalgoers. Find out everything you need to know about opportunities in the dance industry.


Aangebied deur die Suidoosterfees en BASA; oorspronklik uitgevoer tydens die Brixton Light Festival met die ondersteuning van die Helen Suzman Stigting en BASA
Met: David Gara en studente van Dance for All
Saans op die Piazza

Tekwana is ’n openbare optreekuns-uitvoering, gebaseer op die lewensverhaal van David Gara, ’n Zimbabwiese immigrant wat in Johannesburg woon. David skep pragtige skepe met asemrowende detail uit herwinbare materiaal, en verkoop dit om ’n bestaan te maak en om sy gedagtes en drome oor die wêreld te deel. Die konsep het ontstaan ná ’n toevallige ontmoeting tussen die kunstenaar, die Well Worn Theatre Company en Shade se “Waste Not Want Not”-inwonende-kunstenaar-program. Vir die Suidoosterfees werk David saam met Dance for All-studente om sy lieflike skepe aan inwoners van die Moederstad bekend te stel.
Visuele kuns | Visual art


Presented by Suidoosterfees and BASA; originally performed at the Brixton Light Festival with support from the Helen Suzman Foundation and BASA
With: David Gara and students of Dance for All
During the festival on the Piazza

Tekwana is a public art performance drawn from the life story of David Gara, a Zimbabwean immigrant living in Johannesburg. David makes exquisitely detailed ships out of recycled materials which he sells to support himself, as well as to share his thoughts and dreams about the world. The concept emerged from a chance meeting that turned into a collaboration between the artist, the Well Worn Theatre Company and Shade’s “Waste Not Want Not” artist-in-residency programme. For the Suidoosterfees iteration of Tekwana, David will work with students from Dance for All to bring his ships to life in the Mother City.